[SOLVED] Connecting JLink OB to ARM based computer

  • [SOLVED] Connecting JLink OB to ARM based computer

    I installed Segger software tools for ARM-based computers on Raspberry Pi.
    When I connect it to Segger jlink base it worked but when I tried to connect nrf52840-DK, which contains Segger OB, the JLinkEXE didn't recognise it.
    Why this happen? Is it possible to solve it?
  • Hi,

    Did you use the DEB installer or the tgz?
    In case you used the tgz, it is your job to make sure that the rules file is copied to the correct location.
    The Nordic OB has a different USB identification than the BASE.

    What does “lsusb -l” show if you have both connected, the BASE and the OB?
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