How do I change the value of T in GRAPH_DATA_YT ?

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  • How do I change the value of T in GRAPH_DATA_YT ?

    I'm using GRAPH_DATA_YT to draw some random wave forms. I'm using GRAPH_AttachData() to attach the data to the graph initially & later using GRAPH_DATA_YT_AddValue() to add values. As I add every point, I want to know if I can change the ' T ' distance between two points. I want to do it like the way we change the scale of visibility in Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO). Suppose if I assume that the current ' Y ' values are being plotted with 1 pixel distance apart, I want to change that to 2 or 3 pixel. Is it possible?

    -- Rahul.
  • Dear Rahul,

    Changing the scale (or zoom factor) for a graph is only reasonable if there is enough data to display the graph more precise. In this case you should fill the graph with data as usual.

    If you just want to have a 'feature' I would recommend to add the same value multiple times. This would make you able to change the scale, but your graph would not become more precise.

    Best regards,