[SOLVED] JLinkExe segfault

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  • [SOLVED] JLinkExe segfault

    Hi all.

    I found by accident this harmless JLinkExe segmentation fault.

    My configuration :
    1. Ubuntu 20.04
    2. JLinkExe V6.98 (Compiled Mar 2 2021 15:52:47)
    3. j-link Base probe (hard V10.10, firmware V10 compiled Feb 4 2021 12:58:41)
    It's very easy to reproduce :
    1. Open a shell, run "JLinkExe" with no argument
    2. JLinkExe finds the USB probe and gets ready ; "J-Link>" prompt is shown
    3. simply send "ctrl-d" to this prompt (this is actually the shortcut I use to close window shells)
    4. It generates a segmentation fault

    Here is a screenshot.
    Note that on "J-Link>" prompt I typed "ctrl-d" which is non-printable.
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We will look into this.

    Best regards,
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