About GUI_KeyPad_Sample

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    • About GUI_KeyPad_Sample

      Dear Sir,

      I have used your sample "GUI_KeyPad_Sample" for keyboard in EMwin 6.10.
      in link below:
      creating virtual qwerty keypad

      When i run it in codeblock it is OK But when run it in the Keil i have these problem :

      ..\OBJ\Template.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol GUI_ANIM_StartEx (referred from gui_keypad.o).
      ..\OBJ\Template.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol WIDGET_SetFocusable (referred from gui_keypad.o).

      Would you please guide me?

      Best regards

      The post was edited 2 times, last by eesaeed ().

    • Hi,

      Did you set all the necessary include paths to the emWin include directories and the Resource.h file in the Keil IDE?

      Best regards,
      Please read the forum rules before posting.

      Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
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    • Dear Florian,

      Thank you very much for your reply.

      Yes , I have included all directory and Resource.h.

      The symbol GUI_ANIM_StartEx was declare in the file GUI.h line 1235 and
      also symbol WIDGET_SetFocusable was defined in the files Button.h and EDIT.h

      and I have included these files and all others file from Config and Include Folders in Emwin V6.10 but i have problems too.

      We would be happy to hear from you.

      Best regards
    • Dear Warlord,

      yes it is here.
      it show in attached video.
      I would be happy to hear from you.
      when i run the program in Codeblocks, it is OK but in the Keil, i have these two error.

      Best regards
      • Rec 0011.zip

        (158.62 kB, downloaded 257 times, last: )
    • Saeed,
      It seems that your GUI_CM4F_L.lib library is missing these two functions: GUI_ANIM_StartEx and WIDGET_SetFocusable. I have downloaded STemWin_Library_V1.2.0 from st.com. It is based upon emWin 5.32 version. There are no such functions there, it seems your library misses them too. I use STemWin 5.44 - both GUI_ANIM_StartEx and WIDGET_SetFocusable functions are present, that is the case.