Need this adapter for a TI target,…apters/14-pin-ti-adapter/
But I'm wondering why is it so expensive - EUR 49 before shipping & tax - and locally it's not stocked either. What is so special , what is on it , beyond routing the right line to right pin on target connector?
Are there any other components mounted that I cannot see?
So happens I already have this connector form Segger :…mil-10-pin-patch-adapter/
Can I just use this, and jumper wires?
Could you confirm the signal mapping to the TI 's 14-bin connetor?
But I'm wondering why is it so expensive - EUR 49 before shipping & tax - and locally it's not stocked either. What is so special , what is on it , beyond routing the right line to right pin on target connector?
Are there any other components mounted that I cannot see?
So happens I already have this connector form Segger :…mil-10-pin-patch-adapter/
Can I just use this, and jumper wires?
Could you confirm the signal mapping to the TI 's 14-bin connetor?