Targeting an Appwizard text object through code

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    • Targeting an Appwizard text object through code

      Hey all,

      Is there a way to target and update the value of an AppWizard text object through code?

      So far I can only update it using the APPW_SetVarData(), but thats with a hardcoded value from AppWizard . I would like to update the text with a custom value from the code itself.

      Let me know if this is possible, and if so, how I can do this. The examples that come with the Emwin trial does not include any AppWizard applications to demonstrate this.

    • Hi,

      it is not clear enough in the AppWizard manual.

      You can use the TEXT widget API from emWin to set text to the AppWizard TEXT object. Like:

      C Source Code

      1. WM_HWIN hScreen;
      2. WM_HWIN hItem;
      3. hScreen = WM_GetDialogItem(WM_HBKWIN, ID_SCREEN_00);
      4. hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(hScreen, ID_TEXT_00);
      5. TEXT_SetText(hItem, sPath);

      Our plan is to add a general AppWizard API to modify the objects by code.

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