Does GDB + JLinkGDBServer + Segger J-Link on Linux require a license to Flash STM32 internal Flash

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  • Does GDB + JLinkGDBServer + Segger J-Link on Linux require a license to Flash STM32 internal Flash


    I have been working on a big issue for many hours and I feel like getting crazy.

    I am trying to program a STM32F103ZGT6 internal Flash (STM3210E-EVAL board) on a Linux host by using following software:
    - the good old GDB
    - JLinkGDBServer
    - a Segger J-Link (a genuine one ! my company bought it ! Its serial # is 58003380 version 8.0 - The firmware has been updated on last Friday)

    After many hours, I have just noticed that the Flash MCU is never programmed when I try to do it through GDB. Same issue when I try to use segger JLinkExe tool directly (in this case, I try to flash a bin file at 0x8000000), thus this is not a GDB issue ! The TM3210E-EVAL.axf file works fine with KEIL IDE but I do not want to use it, I just want to switch to Linux.

    My gdb script is:

    # gdb init file

    target remote localhost:2331
    monitor speed 1000
    monitor flash device = STM32ZE
    monitor flash download = 1
    #monitor reset
    #monitor halt
    load /home/imaclinux/Téléchargements/STM3210E-EVAL.axf
    #load /home/imaclinux/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_STM32F103E_Eclipse_Linux/RTOSDemo/RTOS$
    #monitor loadbin /home/imaclinux/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_STM32F103E_Eclipse_Linux/RT$
    # Initializing PC and stack pointer
    # RAM_START_ADDR is at 0x20000000
    #monitor reg r13 = (0x20000000)
    #monitor reg pc = (0x20000004)
    #monitor reg r13 = (0x8000000)
    #monitor reg pc = (0x8000004)

    I heard of licence for programming the Flash. Do I have to buy such a license in order to be able to program the Flash ??? If so, what do I do with such a license ? Does it allow to download a new firmware in the J-Link ? I have RTFM many times and searched on the Net but did not find out.

    Thanks for your help, I am really stuck.