Hello, I`m using SystemView 3.10 with FreeRTOS 10.3.1 on STM32F756 with Nucleo board reflashed to J-Link OB.
Start and stop Recording works fine: I see parts of log (with lost data) due to slow interface in J-Link OB.
But I cannot read data recorded in post-mortem mode. I've tried to read data after target halting by IDE or Ozone and also tried to read data on running target after calling SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Stop().
I use the following configuration (except defaults):
When I press "Read Recorded data" in SystemView GUI 3.10 (Win32), nothing is happened. I also try previous version of GUI 2.52d (without changing of target code): this one asks me about recorder configuration (USB, SWD, 4000kHz, RTT Auto) and shows messagebox "0 bytes recording read from target system".
Could you correct me, please, what I'm doing wrong? What should be double-checked? As I understand, the reading from a halted microcontroller without calling SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Stop() should be available in post-mortem mode, shouldn't it?
Start and stop Recording works fine: I see parts of log (with lost data) due to slow interface in J-Link OB.
But I cannot read data recorded in post-mortem mode. I've tried to read data after target halting by IDE or Ozone and also tried to read data on running target after calling SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Stop().
I use the following configuration (except defaults):
Could you correct me, please, what I'm doing wrong? What should be double-checked? As I understand, the reading from a halted microcontroller without calling SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Stop() should be available in post-mortem mode, shouldn't it?