I am debugging an externally built executable in Embedded Studio, my setup is NXP MIMXRT1060-EVK board + JLink.
I interact to this application with Putty, through RTT.
I saw in another post in this forum that I can disable RTT redirection to the Debug Console, fine.
The problem is that when I disable it throug "Debugger"->"RTT Enable"-> "No" setting,
JLink doesn't locate _SEGGER_RTT anymore.
It is located ad address 0x20280670, and if I specify it manually in the JLink settings, or through a custom jlink-script it works fine.
My question is, how can I manage to have it automatically found, even if it will be further relocated (via _SEGGER_RTT symbol)?
with GDB, I would have used
eval "monitor exec SetRTTAddr %p", &_SEGGER_RTT
as an itialization command.
Thank you
I am debugging an externally built executable in Embedded Studio, my setup is NXP MIMXRT1060-EVK board + JLink.
I interact to this application with Putty, through RTT.
I saw in another post in this forum that I can disable RTT redirection to the Debug Console, fine.
The problem is that when I disable it throug "Debugger"->"RTT Enable"-> "No" setting,
JLink doesn't locate _SEGGER_RTT anymore.
It is located ad address 0x20280670, and if I specify it manually in the JLink settings, or through a custom jlink-script it works fine.
My question is, how can I manage to have it automatically found, even if it will be further relocated (via _SEGGER_RTT symbol)?
with GDB, I would have used
eval "monitor exec SetRTTAddr %p", &_SEGGER_RTT
as an itialization command.
Thank you
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