emwin touchscreen

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    • emwin touchscreen

      can someone please upload an example that show how to config a touch screen in emwin and where configuration shoud done?
      and in example show how to use touch screen for a simple action like press a button.
    • Hi,

      Attached is an example how you can pass touch input to emWin.

      The touch controller has to be initialized on your own. Also you have to manage how the touch data is transferred from the TC.

      You can initialize the touch screen right after GUI_Init() or inside the LCDConf.c when it comes to the LCD controller initialization.

      Once the touch data gets send to emWin by GUI_TOUCH_StoreStateEx() or GUI_PID_StoreState() there is nothing else to do to make emWin respond to touch.

      • PIDConf.zip

        (1.5 kB, downloaded 545 times, last: )
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    • Hello Swen,

      I've been using the emWIN SimulationTrial that you guys have created for Windows, for years now, and everything has always worked perfectly! :)

      However, I recently attached an external HDMI LCD screen with Capacitive touch to my PC just to have a feel for how my app will look and work using "touch" versus using a mouse. Strangely enough everything works very well when I'm using Windows Applications (powerpoint, Excell, Outlook, Google, ect...), the touch responds exactly as expected. But when I run my emWIN App, the mouse works but not the touch on the screen.
      • The exemple I created with SeggerEval_WIN32_MSVC_MinGW_GUI_V610.
      • The LCD sends it's touch captures via USB to the PC (USB cable)
      • The LCD touch works well in all Windows apps
      • I'm within a Windows 10 enviroment per info below
      • Windows 10, Version 10.019044 BUild 19044.
      • This is all runing on a PC so it should work seemlessly since Windows captures the touch via USB and sends it to Virtual Studio 2017 which passes that to emWIN SimulationTrial so I fail to see the disconnect. I did not use your PID exemple (in this thread) because I thinking Windows is capturing the X,Y and Press/Release events.
      • Maybe I need to add/remove a line from LCDConf.c?
      I realize that this is not a support forum so I'm just looking for a TIP to understand what might be wrong with my logic.

      Thanks a bunch!
      Best regards