I am able to load firmware with code sections on both internal flash, and external QSPI flash using, e.g., loadfile FW.hex (This functionality was available from J-Link V4.44)
Now I need to load a single binary data file to an address in QSPI flash.
J-Link V6.46h
Try 1:
J-Link>loadbin \nxp\termsettings.bin 0x68060000
Halting CPU for downloading file.
Downloading file [\nxp\termsettings.bin]...
Compare method "Programmed sectors, fastest method" is not supported for this device.
Changed to "Programmed sectors using read back"
Verify method "Programmed sectors, fastest method" is not supported for this device.
Changed to "Programmed sectors using read back"
****** Error: Timeout while checking target RAM, core does not stop. (PC = 0x1FFF119E, XPSR = 0xA1000000, SP = 0x1FFF14F8)!
Failed to prepare for programming.
Failed to execute RAMCode for RAM check!
Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x68000000)
Unspecified error -1
I then converted the file to an ihex file using
c:\nxp>arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --change-addresses 0x68060000 -I binary -O ihex termsettings.bin termsettings.hex
and tried:
J-Link>loadfile \nxp\termsettings.hex
...which loaded the file, as expected. But the file in memory is corrupted. I am thinking that it might be the 32-little-endian versus 64-little-endian config option with the K8x QSPI.
Now I need to load a single binary data file to an address in QSPI flash.
J-Link V6.46h
Try 1:
J-Link>loadbin \nxp\termsettings.bin 0x68060000
Halting CPU for downloading file.
Downloading file [\nxp\termsettings.bin]...
Compare method "Programmed sectors, fastest method" is not supported for this device.
Changed to "Programmed sectors using read back"
Verify method "Programmed sectors, fastest method" is not supported for this device.
Changed to "Programmed sectors using read back"
****** Error: Timeout while checking target RAM, core does not stop. (PC = 0x1FFF119E, XPSR = 0xA1000000, SP = 0x1FFF14F8)!
Failed to prepare for programming.
Failed to execute RAMCode for RAM check!
Error while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x68000000)
Unspecified error -1
I then converted the file to an ihex file using
c:\nxp>arm-none-eabi-objcopy.exe --change-addresses 0x68060000 -I binary -O ihex termsettings.bin termsettings.hex
and tried:
J-Link>loadfile \nxp\termsettings.hex
...which loaded the file, as expected. But the file in memory is corrupted. I am thinking that it might be the 32-little-endian versus 64-little-endian config option with the K8x QSPI.
The post was edited 4 times, last by DenisCollis: Expanded information. Typo: V4.46 should be V6.46 ().