[SOLVED] J-Link BASE license

  • [SOLVED] J-Link BASE license

    I need an information on use of J-link BASE for production purpose. Is it possible to use J-link BASE for programming in factory? How the license are related with it?
    Currently we have setup that programs nrf52840 chips on board using the nrfjprog programmer which calls Segger J-link .dll-s to program the chip.

    Kind regards,
  • Hello Predrag,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    If you are looking to use our production tool J-Flash a J-Link Plus or higher is required.
    But a J-Link Base can be upgraded to a J-Link Plus via license upgrade which will enable you to use the Base in production:
    Pos. 8.08.13

    Other than that we also offer specific production programmers that are optimized for production environments:


    Best regards,

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