[ABANDONED] J-Link Base Communication Timeouts in VMWare Workstation Pro 12

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  • [ABANDONED] J-Link Base Communication Timeouts in VMWare Workstation Pro 12

    I am running IAR Embedded Workbench IDE on a Windows 7 virtual machine. The VM is launched with VMWare Workstation Pro 12 on Windows 10 host machine. My target processor is an STM32F407IG and my debug interface is SWD using the J-Link Base over USB. When debugging, I frequently run into J-Link communication timeouts that result in termination of my debug session.

    The error I am presented with states "Communication timed out: Requested 4 bytes, received 0 bytes ! Abort debug session?"

    If I click "No" it just results in a failure to reconnect. Aborting will frequently also cause IAR to crash, but presume that to be an IAR issue (it certainly is not without its own issues).

    I am using a Segger J-Link ARM V10.1. Firmware version V6.46a, compiled May 27 2019 16:32:08.

    I never see this issue when running the debug session from a normal Windows 7 installation (not a virtual machine). Has anybody else experienced this behavior? Also worth noting is that I don't see errors when debugging with the ST-Link/V2. However, I prefer to use the J-Link.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Such an issue is not known to us.
    In fact many of our developers are using VMWARE 12 Win7 VMs for development themselves.
    The error message has most likely to do with some IAR calls to J-Link that do not go through correctly.
    Could you provide a J-Link log of such a session?

    Do you get the same behaviour when debugging with Ozone instead of EWARM?

    Best regards,

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