[SOLVED] Clock issue example import to embOS

  • [SOLVED] Clock issue example import to embOS

    Hello .
    I try to bring the serial pca10056 example of Nordic into the embOS V5.02 system on SES V3.40 for nRF52.
    In the example the first thing it do clock setting by nrf_drv_clock_init(), then power issue nrf_drv_power_init(NULL) and after that init the serial interface.
    On the other hand in the embOS project START the first line is OS_Init(); but I don't have any information what this function do. If it also handle the clock, power, ect.
    1. Where can I found information about the [b]OS_Init() function?[/b]
    2. Can I take the embOS example as init structure only use for the RTOS, so Is it right to use all the clock setting and power by the serial example as is or I need to understand what HW setting the embOS example all ready done?
  • Hello,

    thanks for your inquiry.

    bar wrote:

    1. Where can I found information about the OS_Init() function?
    Please have a look in the embOS manual which comes with your embOS shipment.
    It is also available online at: segger.com/downloads/embos/UM01001

    bar wrote:

    2. Can I take the embOS example as init structure only use for the RTOS, so Is it right to use all the clock setting and power by the serial example as is or I need to understand what HW setting the embOS example all ready done?
    OS_Init() does initialize core specific stuff only . With Cortex-M that's the PendSV interrupt priority and FPU settings only.
    Further initialization is done in OS_InitHW() which is shipped as source code.
    The embOS clock initialization is done in the device specific CMSIS files.
    There might be some settings which should not be initialized twice.

    Please let me know if I can be of any further help.

    Best regards,
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