I try to use one of Nordic ex running on the SES, in mbOS project.
The problem is that when I get the mbOS package there is only one Start project dedicate to a specific chipset, with all the peripheral of it. SO when I compine an example of the same chip from Nordic tutorial, I get a lot of duplicate and it is very hard to get all the multiply functions, files ect.
Is there an Empty mbOS project use only the RTOS files with no specific chip , so it can be combine to an example use one of Nordic chip without the overhead functions. At past when I use IAR there was always an Empty project just for that.
The problem is that when I get the mbOS package there is only one Start project dedicate to a specific chipset, with all the peripheral of it. SO when I compine an example of the same chip from Nordic tutorial, I get a lot of duplicate and it is very hard to get all the multiply functions, files ect.
Is there an Empty mbOS project use only the RTOS files with no specific chip , so it can be combine to an example use one of Nordic chip without the overhead functions. At past when I use IAR there was always an Empty project just for that.