I want to create a simple button using GUIBuilder, let's call this button: "PLAY_BUTTON". I will replace that button with an image at run time. I don't want the name "PLAY_BUTTON" to appear on top of my image on my display when running the app. I just want the image to be displayed. Would there be a simple way to do that vs using skinning? Like a simple API command telling Windows manager not too display the button name on top of the image.
I want to create a simple button using GUIBuilder, let's call this button: "PLAY_BUTTON". I will replace that button with an image at run time. I don't want the name "PLAY_BUTTON" to appear on top of my image on my display when running the app. I just want the image to be displayed. Would there be a simple way to do that vs using skinning? Like a simple API command telling Windows manager not too display the button name on top of the image.