Debugging problem with JLINK + ECLIPSE + CODESOURCERY + FREERTOS + STM32

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  • Debugging problem with JLINK + ECLIPSE + CODESOURCERY + FREERTOS + STM32

    I'm making a basic FreeRTOS program under ECLIPSE with CodeSourcery as compiler and I debug all with J-Link using J-GDB.
    When I arrive in this piece of code (vPortStartFirstTask), thath is an interrupt function, the breakpoint at 0x08002230 is fired automaticaly without any reason, but if I make a single step all is going wrong and I can't step inside (With the same project in IAR I can step without problem the same istructions). From here in debug is inpossible to go forward. But if I reset my evaluation board without J-Link connected in debug the code downloaded is perfectly working, so the file generated by codesourcery and programmed by J-Link through GDB is perfect.

    08002230: ldr r0, [pc, #388] ; ( 0x80023b8 )
    08002232: ldr r0, [r0, #0]
    08002234: ldr r0, [r0, #0]
    08002236: msr MSP, r0
    0800223a: svc 0

    In the next brief log extracted from GDB server is possible to see thath a single step produce many single steps as arrive at
    0x0800223A and continue looping on it. From here the only think you can do is stopping the debugger because you are an infinite loop.
    If someone want the complete source code is attached as is the full Log and ELF file.

    Reading all registers
    Performing single step...
    ...Target halted (PC = 0x0800223A)
    Reading all registers
    Performing single step...
    ...Target halted (PC = 0x0800223A)
    Reading all registers
    Performing single step...
    ...Target halted (PC = 0x0800223A)
    Reading all registers
    Performing single step...
    ...Target halted (PC = 0x0800223A)

    My configuration of all is:

    - Eclipse HELIOS last beta (is better than Galileo, less problem with CDT)
    - Last CDT 7 thath has many improvements than version 6 for Galileo
    - J-Link ARM SW 4.14d
    - J-Link HW 5.30
    - License FlashBP (OK from license menu)
    - License FlashDL (OK from license menu)
    - STM3210C-EVAL as evaluation board (STM32F107VC as CPU)

    I hope in your support, I'm going crazy ,with this problem from two weeks and I don't know if the problem is codesourcery gdb client or SEGGER GDB server !!!!
    The same basic program with IAR is going perfectly, If I trace inside interrput (vPortStartFirstTask) in IAR all is working fine (but is not through GDB).

    Best regard to everyone

    The post was edited 6 times, last by SuperGian78 ().