I'm trying to use the j-LINK EDU debug probe along with a custom board built for our product.
This board has a STM32L152RE Arm microcontroller and a JTAG pin out to be used with this wire
I use TrueStudio IDE to build are project.
It worked well for almost a week, I could flash and debug our board effortlessly from within the IDE itself. Until suddenly it started showing me the following error -
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.22f Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V6.22f (DLL compiled Jan 12 2018 16:18:01)
Command line: -port 2331 -s -CPU Cortex-M -device STM32L152RE -endian little -speed 4000 -if swd -vd
-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file: none
GDB Server Listening port: 2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port: 2333
Accept remote connection: localhost only
Generate logfile: off
Verify download: on
Init regs on start: off
Silent mode: off
Single run mode: on
Target connection timeout: 0 ms
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface: USB
J-Link script: none
J-Link settings file: none
------Target related settings------
Target device: STM32L152RE
Target interface: SWD
Target interface speed: 4000kHz
Target endian: little
Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Apr 20 2018 16:47:09
Hardware: V10.10
S/N: 260103243
Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 1.75 V
ERROR: Failed to listen at socket (Err = -1)
ERROR: Failed to open listener port 2331
Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
Shutting down...
Failed to open listener port 2331
I can confirm that neither the board nor the Debug probe have an issue because the both of them communicate and establish connection using the 'J-link Commander' (See attached images)
Please can someone help solve the issue
This board has a STM32L152RE Arm microcontroller and a JTAG pin out to be used with this wire
I use TrueStudio IDE to build are project.
It worked well for almost a week, I could flash and debug our board effortlessly from within the IDE itself. Until suddenly it started showing me the following error -
SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.22f Command Line Version
JLinkARM.dll V6.22f (DLL compiled Jan 12 2018 16:18:01)
Command line: -port 2331 -s -CPU Cortex-M -device STM32L152RE -endian little -speed 4000 -if swd -vd
-----GDB Server start settings-----
GDBInit file: none
GDB Server Listening port: 2331
SWO raw output listening port: 2332
Terminal I/O port: 2333
Accept remote connection: localhost only
Generate logfile: off
Verify download: on
Init regs on start: off
Silent mode: off
Single run mode: on
Target connection timeout: 0 ms
------J-Link related settings------
J-Link Host interface: USB
J-Link script: none
J-Link settings file: none
------Target related settings------
Target device: STM32L152RE
Target interface: SWD
Target interface speed: 4000kHz
Target endian: little
Connecting to J-Link...
J-Link is connected.
Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Apr 20 2018 16:47:09
Hardware: V10.10
S/N: 260103243
Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB
Checking target voltage...
Target voltage: 1.75 V
ERROR: Failed to listen at socket (Err = -1)
ERROR: Failed to open listener port 2331
Restoring target state and closing J-Link connection...
Shutting down...
Failed to open listener port 2331
I can confirm that neither the board nor the Debug probe have an issue because the both of them communicate and establish connection using the 'J-link Commander' (See attached images)
Please can someone help solve the issue