[SOLVED] GCC sys/fcntl.h

  • [SOLVED] GCC sys/fcntl.h

    I want to port my code to SES. it's toolchain is GCC , but I can not compile it using SES.
    Because sys/fcntl.h , sys/syslimits.h etc. are missing?
    Normally SES is compatible with GCC ARM compiler.
    How can I fix it?
    ilkay KOZAK
  • Hello Ilkay,

    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Did you make sure you copied all your former project files to the new project?
    This sounds like the needed header files are either not copied over or are not included in the project.
    To include the folders with the header files go to: Project->Edit Options...->Code->Preprocessor->User Include Directories
    There enter the full absolute path to the folder with the header files or the relative path to the em.project file.
    If you have multiple folders then enter one per line.

    Does this solve your issue?

    Best regards,
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