[SOLVED] C++ errors in NRF file that compiles cleanly with other IDE's

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  • [SOLVED] C++ errors in NRF file that compiles cleanly with other IDE's

    Error :

    ../../../../../../components/libraries/util/app_util.h:118:55: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token

    in this source (written by Nordic):

    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #define STATIC_ASSERT_SIMPLE(EXPR) _Static_assert(EXPR, "unspecified message")

    included from a .cpp file.

    I am porting a project from Eclipse, where this compiles cleanly with C++ using the GNU ARM tools. AFAIK this is valid code, so I suspect my project options or the generated compiler command is not correct.

    I have tried changing Project>Options>Compiler><foo> Language Standard to various values including GNU++14 etc.

    How do you view the exact compiler command in the transcript?
  • More info: _Static_assert should be a compiler keyword since C11. I think the compiler is not recognizing it as a keyword.

    Does SES install its own versions of the GCC ARM toolchain? Maybe my other IDE is using a different compiler ((different version?)
  • Hello,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    _Static_assert is only a keyword in C.
    For C++ use static_assert.

    Does SES install its own versions of the GCC ARM toolchain? Maybe my other IDE is using a different compiler ((different version?)

    Quite possible that different versions are used. To find out which one ES is using go to Help->About SEGGER Embedded Studio

    Best regards,
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