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  • MULTIPLE BUFFERING with GUIDRV_FlexColor driver

    Dear sirs

    I am using emWIN with GUIDRV_FlexColor in order to use a SSD1963 controller TFT display. The configuration of the driver is GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_M16C0B16, so it doesn´t use CACHE.

    Using this configuration I detect some tearing effects that I want to solve using MULTIPLE BUFFERING.

    I have seen WITHOUT ISR code example on page 928 of the UM03001_emWin5.pdf manual that update the address depending of the active buffer:

    int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * p) {
    unsigned long Addr, BufferSize;
    switch (Cmd) {
    case LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER: {
    pData = (LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO *)p;
    // Calculate address of the given buffer
    BufferSize = (XSIZE * YSIZE * BITSPERPIXEL) / 8;
    Addr = _VRamBaseAddr + BufferSize * pData->Index;
    // Make the given buffer visible
    AT91C_LCDC_BA1 = Addr;
    // Send a confirmation that the buffer is visible now

    Can anyone tell me what it is the GUIDRV_FlexColor equivalent variable I should use in order to update the buffer address?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,

    Multibuffering doesn't work with the GUIDRV_FlexColor driver and the SSD1963. You should use the cached version of the driver insead.
    As far as I know the SSD1963 doesn't support multiple buffers.

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