[ABANDONED] How to exec command strings in Eclipse?

  • [ABANDONED] How to exec command strings in Eclipse?

    Hi, everyone
    I want to know how to execute J-Link command strings in Eclipse. Specifically, I want to specify reset strategy globally somehow. In Eclipse, as described here , I can specify reset type in GUI, but that only affects the two specific points in the startup course. I wonder if I can, e.g., "exec SetResetType=4" in Eclipse, as in J-Link Commander?

  • Hi,

    the best way to execute J-Link command strings in every debug session are J-Script files.
    Generally, we do recommend to override ResetTarget() and / or AfterResetTarget() instead of using the "deprecated" ResetTypes.

    Of course you can still use the J-Link command string "SetResetType" in e.g. ConfigTargetSettings() in a J-Link script file if this works for you.

    Best regards,
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  • Hello, Niklas

    But I'm not intended to build a full custom reset strategy from the ground up. I'm using a non-mainstream MCU which has a built-in bootloader. So I just need to select the ready-made Reset Strategy 4, do I?

    If yes, how can I do the selection in, say, ConfigTargetSettings() other than using the deprecated SetResetType command?

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Let me rephrase that: The SetResetType command is not deprecated, but we have not added any new ResetTypes in a long time and also do not plan to add new ones in the future.
    If a new devices does not work with the generic reset, in 80% of the cases it needs a custom reset, which fits no other device. Therefore, we implement a custom reset which is not selected by the user, but is selected automatically when selecting the device in the J-Link software.
    However, if SetResetType=4 works perfectly for you, there is not disadvantage in using it.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

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