I am running this lightly loaded target with an AT91SAM7S256. Normal communications is through USB, but for monitoring I gave embOS a RS232 port. I set the port up for 115200 baud. This works beautifully for a while, say 5 minutes, then embosView stops updating. The version of embosView is 3.82a. When it stops updating, bytes sent/rcvd keep and packets sent keep incrementing, but packets rcvd does not. If I exit embosView and restart it then then communications resumes normally and I see that all the counters associated with the application are where they should be. In other words, the target has been running all along. Is this possibly a problem with embosView or more likely a problem in my application ? If the latter, where might I look for a source to the problem ?
P.S. - it works fine on another PC with a direct serial port. The problem may very well be due to the usb-serial adapter that I was using.
P.S. - it works fine on another PC with a direct serial port. The problem may very well be due to the usb-serial adapter that I was using.
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