J-Link ARM V4.08l Warning: "Debugger writes to flash..."

  • J-Link ARM V4.08l Warning: "Debugger writes to flash..."

    I've recently updated to the J-Link ARM V4.08l software package (from 4.08h, I think), and I'm now getting the following messagebox whenever I start a debug session:

    J-Link ARM V4.08l Warning
    Debugger writes to flash (2 bytes @ address 0x0805F450) after flash download is completed.
    Write to flash is performed. Further writes to flash memory will not cause a similar message box.

    I'm using IAR Embedded Workbench IDE targetting a Cortex M3-based STM32F103ZE controller. Everything seems to be working fine, so I'm really just asking if this is anything I should be concerned about (doesn't sound like it) and how to stop the annoyance.
  • Hi mwb1100,

    nothing you have to care about in your case.
    It is just an information for the user that the debugger performs write accesses
    to the flash after the application has already been downloaded. Normally the debugger
    should not perform write accesses to flash after an application has been downloaded. (fixed in IAR V540a)

    Best regards
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  • So this message is triggered by something harmless that IAR is doing that it no longer does in 5.40a? Is there a way to configure or otherwise prevent the JLink driver from displaying the message (it didn't before I installed 4.08l)? It's unlikely that I'll be able to upgrade IAR since that'll require the whole team to upgrade (IAR's project files don't work well in varying versions of the IDE).

    Like I said before, it's not a big deal, but it is a mild annoyance and it's new (I'd probably never have thought twice about it if it had always happened...).