Using Systemview with the FreeRTOS and STM32F4 Discovery Board

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  • Using Systemview with the FreeRTOS and STM32F4 Discovery Board

    Dear People,

    I am trying to run the Segger SystemView with the FreeRTOS and STM32F4 Discovery Board. But I am encountering the problem in doing so.

    I followed these steps:

    1 -- First copied the Config and SEGGER folder completely to the project folder and added it into the source code project in the Keil as can be seen in the screenshot.

    2 -- Then I copied the SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Config_FreeRTOS.c and os_cfg_trace.h from the Sample/config to the source code folder and SEGGER_SYSVIEW_FreeRTOS.c and SEGGER_SYSVIEW_FreeRTOS.h and os_trace_events.h to the source folder from the sample/OS folder.

    3 -- Then I added the #include

    Source Code

    in the main.c file and

    Source Code

    1. SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf();
    in the main function.

    Now compiled the code and put it into the controller and than started the SystemView but nothing is happening and I am getting the error.

    Please help me in successfully integrating the Systemview.


    Piyush Pandey
    • Systemview_01.png

      68.32 kB, 1,280×1,024, viewed 938 times
    • systemview_02.png

      145.18 kB, 1,280×1,024, viewed 876 times