[ABANDONED] CrossWorks, Jlink, SWD, Debug disconnect on pause

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  • [ABANDONED] CrossWorks, Jlink, SWD, Debug disconnect on pause

    The error occurs when I try to pause the debugger, I get a 'Mis-aligned
    memory read: Address: 0xA5A5A5B5, NumBytes: 4, Alignment: 4
    (word-aligned)' The error message is coming from the JLink Log

    I tested the Jlink+ using a standard JTAG interface and I did not get
    the problem.

    The only differences between the 2 systems are that the JTAG system is a
    Cortex-M3, the error system is a Cortex-M0, debug interface is SWD, and
    is running FreeRTOS. I also tested using the original CrossLink
    debugger (Olimex design), level shifter board, interfaced using 2 signal wire SWD. I can start and stop
    (pause) the debugger at will with no errors. It is something Jlink

    I'm using Rowley CrossStudio 3.5. Any idea about this?
  • Hi,

    well the error message is correct, reading 4 bytes from 0xA5A5A5B5 is a mis-aligned memory read.
    Who is requesting this read? Is there a watch-window etc in Crossworks which reads from this address?
    0xA5A5A5B5 also does not seems like a memory address someone normally wants to read from.

    Best regards,
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