[SOLVED] savebin command doesn't work

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  • [SOLVED] savebin command doesn't work

    Hi Segger team,

    I found the command savebin can't work on my Win7 64 bit OS. It is a bug or an authority issue?


    Syntax: savebin <filename>, <addr>, <NumBytes> (hex)
    J-Link>savebin c:\a.bin,0,2000
    Opening binary file for writing... [c:\a.bin]
    Reading 8192 bytes from addr 0x00000000 into file...O.K.

    But I can't find the file named a.bin in my c: path.

    Could you kindly spend time to have a look? :D Thanks a lot.


    The post was edited 1 time, last by ohnail ().

  • Hi Ohnail,

    The folder "C:\" is a protected area when using a windows operating system. Another protected area e.g. is "C:\Program Files\".
    You need to either choose a not protected area as download destination (for example "C:\Temp\" or "C:\Work\") or start J-Link Commander as Administrator.

    Best regards,
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