Pointing to ARM Launchpad

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  • Pointing to ARM Launchpad

    I tried to use and could not. The user manual shows a list of ported template headers and it is not included. The latest GCC "Launchpad" does include this and GCC 5.x fully implements C++14 which is what I would like to do.

    Earlier on this forum I asked how I could point to other tools and was told I could do this by setting a single options setting but it seems that it is not this simple. The SES directory structure has as, cc1, and cc1plus etc in a single directory while the ARM directory has things scattered about:

    Source Code

    1. ./arm-none-eabi/bin/as
    2. ./bin/arm-none-eabi-as
    3. ./bin/arm-none-eabi-g++
    4. ./bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc
    5. ./lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/cc1plus
    6. ./lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/cc1

    Any advice as to how to point to these tools? I was hoping to leave the Launchpad structure intact. I may try to hack it with some symbolic links but I'm hoping this isn't necessary.


    I created symbolic links to cc1 and cc1plus in GCC_LAUNCHPAD_ROOT/arm-none-eabi/bin. Then I set my toolchain directory to this value.

    I tried two versions:



    The first appears to build and run correctly. I can see the path to these files use for as, cc1, cc1plus.

    The second fails with:

    Source Code

    1. 1> Output/Hail.o: In function `Hail::~Hail()':
    2. 1> /Volumes/Development/louise/Application/Hail.cpp:263: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned int)'
    3. 1> Output/Hail.o: In function `Hail::~Hail()':
    4. 1> /Volumes/Development/louise/Application/Hail.cpp:263: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned int)'
    5. 1> Output/DMA.o: In function `DMA::Object::~Object()':
    6. 1> /Volumes/Development/louise/ST/DMA.cpp:102: undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned int)'

    I suspect library incompatibility:

    Source Code

    1. "/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libdebugio_mempoll_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.a" "/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libm_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.a""/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libc_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.a""/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libcpp_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.a""/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libdebugio_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.a""/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libvfprintf_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.o""/Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio 2.20/lib/libvfscanf_v7em_fpv4_sp_d16_t_le_eabi.o"

    What is the recommended way to point to the correct libraries?

    The post was edited 3 times, last by Kenny ().

  • What is the recommended way to point to the correct libraries?
    You can set the libraries in the Project Options -> Linker -> Library.

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