embOS and STM32 CubeMX

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  • embOS and STM32 CubeMX


    I would like to base embOS on a HAL/BSP which is generated by STM32 CubeMX.

    Currently, I am just looking for some hints or links to any documentation I should read.

    The situation is that everything (HAL/BSP and embOS) compiles, links, and loads perfectly.
    I can step through the code stating from the reset-vector.

    As soon as OS calls or timer interrupts occur the CPU is entering OS_Error
    for different reasons, depending on the modifications to the code I make.

    I am using the "Cortex-M, Rowley" port of embOS.

    Thanks for any hint
  • Dear Stefan,

    The latest release of embOS for Cortex-M and Rowley did include the "User & Reference Guide for embOS". Chapter 24.2 of that guide (starting on page 381) displays a table of each possible error code together with a short explanation. If you feel any of these descriptions is unclear or insufficient, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

    Best regards,
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  • Hi,

    a little late maybe, but I am a little step further.
    I created a STM32CubeMX-setup for an Nucleo-64 (STM32L476) -> HAL
    I also copied the default embOS-example for that controller -> embOS

    In OS_StartLEDBlink.c:
    1. include main.h from HAL
    2. include stm32l4xx_hal.h from HAL
    3. copy content of HAL-main() to the beginning of the embOS-main(), before the call of OS_InitKern()
    4. copy all other functions from HAL-main() to the end of the embOS-main().
    5. drop call of BSP-functions from embOS (do't need that file at all) and call HAL_GPIO_TogglePin() instead
    In RTOSInit_STM32L4xx_CMSIS.c:
    1. include stm32l4xx_hal.h instead of stm32l4xx.h (the _hal-File is the only header needed using HAL, as described in ST-document UM1884)
    2. move HAL-functions from HAL-SysTickHandler to embOS-SysTickHandler. I append the functions after the call of OS_LeaveNestableInterrupt()
    In Start_STM32L46.emProject (embOS-Project-File used bei Embedded Studio)

    1. alter the include-path "c_user_include_directories" to contain all .h-files of HAL
    2. include all .c-files in Embedded Studio
    3. exclude all files of CoreSupport
    4. exclude all files of DeviceSupport
    I now have a blinking green LED by using the STM32HAL.
    Best regards

    The post was edited 1 time, last by bkiepke ().

  • Thanks for sharing this with us.
    I guess this could be also of interest for other embOS users.

    Best regards,
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.