VNC Server of emWin 5.28 and 5.30 doesn't exist !

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  • VNC Server of emWin 5.28 and 5.30 doesn't exist !

    The VNC server has been removed from the latest versions of emWin of NXP libraries ?
    I tried to use it but the compiler shows error messages as if the functions of VNC server do not exist.
    I am using Keil v5.14 and emWin for Cortex-M3 v5.30 or v5.28b.

    • Erros.JPG

      45.18 kB, 1,024×279, viewed 498 times
  • Hi,

    If you use an NXP library you should contact NXP in that case. They are responsible for the content of their libraries.

    Regards, Jörg
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