I'm using emFILE v3.28 library for evaluating for EA1788 evaluation board with Keil IDE.
I tried to run the physical layer FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_1x16 and could not.
The flash is connected as follows:

So I had to implement my own:
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When I write a file with the size of the drive it is saved normally.
But if I delete the file and write again, there is a Hardware Fault.
This hardware fault is caused by pLen parameter of GetSectorInfo routine that is 0.

Could anyone help me?
I tried to run the physical layer FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_1x16 and could not.
The flash is connected as follows:
So I had to implement my own:
C Source Code
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "norflash_sst39vf3201.h"
- #include "FS.h"
- #include "RTOS.h"
- static int WriteOff(U8 Unit, U32 Off, const void * pSrc, U32 Len);
- static int ReadOff(U8 Unit, void * pDest, U32 Off, U32 Len);
- static int EraseSector(U8 Unit, unsigned int SectorIndex);
- static void GetSectorInfo(U8 Unit, unsigned int SectorIndex, U32 * pOff, U32 * pLen);
- static int GetNumSectors(U8 Unit);
- static void Configure(U8 Unit, U32 BaseAddr, U32 StartAddr, U32 NumBytes);
- static void OnSelectPhy(U8 Unit);
- static void DeInit(U8 Unit);
- const FS_NOR_PHY_TYPE FS_NOR_PHY_CFI_39FV3201 __attribute__ ((section("EXT_FLASH"))) = {
- WriteOff,
- ReadOff,
- EraseSector,
- GetSectorInfo,
- GetNumSectors,
- Configure,
- OnSelectPhy,
- DeInit
- };
- typedef struct
- {
- U32 BaseAddr;
- U32 StartAddr;
- U32 NumBytes;
- DRIVER_INSTANCE iDriver[10];
- static int WriteOff(U8 Unit, U32 Off, const void * pSrc, U32 Len)
- {
- U32 flash_addr;
- U16 *pSource16;
- U8 *pSource8;
- // printf("WriteOff - Off: %lX, pSrc: %lX, Len: %lu\n", Off, (U32)pSrc, Len);
- // fflush(stdout);
- pSource16 = (U16 *)pSrc;
- flash_addr = iDriver[Unit].StartAddr + ((Off >> 1) << 1);
- // Se offset ímpar
- if (Off % 2)
- {
- pSource8 = (U8 *)pSrc;
- OS_EnterRegion();
- if (NORFLASHWriteWord(flash_addr, ((*pSource8++) << 8) | *((U8 *)flash_addr)) != 0)
- {
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- return 1;
- }
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- pSource16 = (U16 *)pSource8;
- Len--;
- flash_addr += 2;
- }
- while (Len >= 2)
- {
- OS_EnterRegion();
- if (NORFLASHWriteWord(flash_addr, *pSource16++) != 0)
- {
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- return 1;
- }
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- Len -= 2;
- flash_addr += 2;
- }
- if (Len == 1)
- {
- pSource8 = (U8 *)pSource16;
- OS_EnterRegion();
- if (NORFLASHWriteWord(flash_addr, ((*((U8 *)(flash_addr + 1))) << 8) | *pSource8) != 0)
- {
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- return 1;
- }
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int ReadOff(U8 Unit, void * pDest, U32 Off, U32 Len)
- {
- U32 *pSource32, *pDestin32;
- U16 *pSource16, *pDestin16;
- U8 *pSource8, *pDestin8;
- // printf("ReadOff - pDest: %lX, Off: %lX, Len: %lu\n", (U32)pDest, Off, Len);
- // fflush(stdout);
- pSource32 = (U32 *) (iDriver[Unit].StartAddr + Off);
- pDestin32 = (U32 *) pDest;
- if (Len >= 4)
- {
- while (Len >= 4)
- {
- *pDestin32++ = *pSource32++;
- Len -= 4;
- }
- if (Len == 0) return 0;
- }
- if (Len >= 2)
- {
- pSource16 = (U16 *) pSource32;
- pDestin16 = (U16 *) pDestin32;
- while (Len >= 2)
- {
- *pDestin16++ = *pSource16++;
- Len -= 2;
- }
- if (Len == 0) return 0;
- pSource32 = (U32 *) pSource16;
- pDestin32 = (U32 *) pDestin16;
- }
- if (Len >= 1)
- {
- pSource8 = (U8 *) pSource32;
- pDestin8 = (U8 *) pDestin32;
- while (Len--) *pDestin8++ = *pSource8++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int EraseSector(U8 Unit, unsigned int SectorIndex)
- {
- // printf("EraseSector - SectorIndex: %u\n", SectorIndex);
- // fflush(stdout);
- OS_EnterRegion();
- NORFLASHSectorErase(SectorIndex);
- OS_LeaveRegion();
- return 0;
- }
- static void GetSectorInfo(U8 Unit, unsigned int SectorIndex, U32 * pOff, U32 * pLen)
- {
- // volatile int x, y, z ,w;
- //
- // if ((SectorIndex >= 512) || (pOff == NULL) || (pLen == NULL))
- // {
- // x = SectorIndex;
- // y = (int)pOff;
- // z = (int)pLen;
- // w = SectorIndex;
- // return;
- // }
- // printf("GetSectorInfo - SectorIndex: %u, pOff: %lX, pLen: %lX\n", SectorIndex, (U32)pOff, (U32)pLen);
- // fflush(stdout);
- *pOff = SectorIndex * 4096;
- *pLen = 4096;
- }
- static int GetNumSectors(U8 Unit)
- {
- // printf("GetNumSectors\n");
- // fflush(stdout);
- return (iDriver[Unit].NumBytes / 4096);
- }
- static void Configure(U8 Unit, U32 BaseAddr, U32 StartAddr, U32 NumBytes)
- {
- // printf("Configure\n");
- // fflush(stdout);
- iDriver[Unit].BaseAddr = BaseAddr;
- iDriver[Unit].StartAddr = StartAddr;
- iDriver[Unit].NumBytes = NumBytes;
- }
- static void OnSelectPhy(U8 Unit)
- {
- // printf("OnSelectPhy\n");
- // fflush(stdout);
- }
- static void DeInit(U8 Unit)
- {
- // printf("DeInit\n");
- // fflush(stdout);
- }
When I write a file with the size of the drive it is saved normally.
But if I delete the file and write again, there is a Hardware Fault.
This hardware fault is caused by pLen parameter of GetSectorInfo routine that is 0.
Could anyone help me?
The post was edited 2 times, last by leonarff ().