Failed to execute RAMCode for RAM check!

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  • Failed to execute RAMCode for RAM check!

    I get this error when i either erase or loadfile from jlinkexe (mac osx). The chip is the nRF51822. I am using the nRF51 DK's debug out capability to program the nRF51822 on my PCB. I have had this working on other nRF51822 external debug PCBs. I am now getting this message. The RAMCode is there for the nRF51822...but why is it failing in this case?

    Can you please give me ideas why this is happening? I "get" some code RAMCode? can't run....but i have no clue what is stopping RAMCode from running?

    Thank you.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by HappyDay ().

  • Hi HappyDay,

    sorry for the delay in response.
    We are currently not aware of any issue regarding the RAMCode of the nRF51822.
    We will try to reproduce this in the next days.

    Best regards,
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