Multiple Buffering Hardfault Error

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  • Multiple Buffering Hardfault Error

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new user interface with emWin. I'm using LPC4357 and LPCXpresso compiler.
    I want to use Multiple Buffering in my project. I'm trying to enable multiple buffering for two days. I couldn't.
    When I disable multiple buffering, it running the program.
    But enable multiple buffering, then I get an Hardfault error at the line which is GUI_Draw(....).
    I don´t understand, what I am doing wrong. Can you please suggest how to do this.
    Note : ( I have initialize SDRAM that is IS42S328000D-7BL(256 Mbit), I have tried to read/write. No problem)

    I have attached following my LCDConf.c and main function.

    Main Function :
    "int main(void)
    /* sysTick will handle touch events at 1KHz */
    SysTick_Config(Chip_Clock_GetRate(CLK_MX_MXCORE) / 1000);
    /* Walking 0 test */
    /* Setup LCD */
    touchInitialized = true;

    GUI_DrawBitmap(&bmimages, 0 , 0);


    return 0;

      (4.74 kB, downloaded 357 times, last: )

    The post was edited 2 times, last by bywarfare ().