Unable to program nRF51422_xxAC due to low voltage error

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  • Unable to program nRF51422_xxAC due to low voltage error

    I have been trying for days to program my nrf51422 project without much success. I am using a Jlink programmer. I have connected VTREF, GND, SWCLK and SWDIO from the JLINK Edu to the project. However, when I go to program the board using nrfjprog or NRFGO, I get the error "ERROR: Low voltage detected at the target. Please make sure the device is properly supplied."
    I have measured the voltage I am suppling from the project to the programmer and it reads 3.3 volts. Is this high enough? Is there anything additional I need to do?
    I am following the pinout from the JLink datasheet.

    Any tips are very much appreciated. I'm running out of ideas here!
    Cheers, Nick
  • Hi,

    Can you please download and install the J-Link software and documentation package?
    Now start J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) with the command line arguments below and share a screenshot of the entire output:
    JLink.exe -device nRF51422_xxAA -if SWD -speed 1000

    I have measured the voltage I am suppling from the project to the programmer and it reads 3.3 volts. Is this high enough?

    - Erik
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