Font converter

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  • Font converter

    I have asked before about import Chinese character font
    my other question is I can open two instances of FontConverter application - how can i copy and paste characters from one to another - as i can see it is not possible with the GUI menu - is there any way doing it ?

    If not it means that i need to create each char by my own or i missed something.

  • Continue font converter

    Hi Andrian

    In case i want to get specific chardcter from a chinese font and replaced them on the existing cFile font i need first to create fonr without the relevant font and create new font with only the desired characterrs and then merged them ?
    why it is not possible to copy image and paste it into the fobnt converter ? If you open tow instances on the same computer and in one you can view font like chineese and other is the fone with the charter need replace and just do copy phase from chiness to new or exiting font as simple as that.