Unable to debug hosted bare-metal application on Boundary Devices Nitrogen6X using JLinkGDBServer.

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  • Unable to debug hosted bare-metal application on Boundary Devices Nitrogen6X using JLinkGDBServer.

    Hello Everyone,

    Today I received my Boundary Devices Nitrogen6X board. The board is an imx6 quad Cortex-A9's. I just built an ordinary unhosted Hello World application and was able to debug it perfectly without any issues with JLinkGDBServer V4.98a.

    The problems started when I built a hosted application and tried to debug it. The application was loaded successfully on the target. I put a breakpoint on main ( ) and resumed the execution. But the breakpoint never got hit and the target continued running indefinitely. Pressing a ctrl+c gave the following on GDB console :

    Received Sigtrap 0x84cf7598 ( ).....

    I invoked my JLinkGDBServer with -mcimx6q6 -speed 1000 arguments, then :
    target remote :2331
    monitor semihosting enable
    b main

    and the target continued running....

    Please help me out. Thanks.

    Cheers Bunny..
  • I am relaly stuck....

    This is what you write in every post here...
    Could you please stop opening new threads over and over again for the same problem?

    With "hosted" application you mean that your application makes use of semihosting, correct?

    - Alex
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