[SOLVED] Sabre-Lite I.MX6Q signal manipulation

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  • [SOLVED] Sabre-Lite I.MX6Q signal manipulation

    Dear sir/madam,

    Before I decide to purchase a Segger J-Link, I would like to make sure it is usable for my particular use-case. In short, I want to manipulate one of the input signals of the Cortex A9 cores inside the I.MX6Q. I have been informed by Freescale that this can be done using JTag, hence my desire for such a device. I do however have a few concerns:

    - Does the Segger J-link and/or software support the challenge/response mechanism for the implemented Secure JTAG implementation?
    - Can I use the Segger software to assert a single pin, or do I need additional tools for this?
    - How does the software understand which input signal is which? Are there some sort of "netlists" provided with the software? Or is this provided through the JTAG controller? Do I need to request these netlists somewhere else?
    - Can I use the Segger J-Link with a 20-pin JTAG to 10-pin microJTAG convertor?

    I hope someone can shed some light on this for me. Many thanks in advance. Yours,

  • Hello Roy,

    J-link supports debugging via the standard JTAG interface on the i.MX6.
    As far as I understand, the secure JTAG (SJTAG) is a special unit in the i.XM6 which, if enabled,
    needs to be initialized with a security key to enable the TAP for regular JTAG debugging.

    In general, you can write an application with the J-Link SDK which implements this "authentication" via the SJTAG unit and once this is done,
    you should be able to perform operations via the regular debug interface via J-Link, until the unit is secured again (on reset? power-on reset?).

    - Can I use the Segger software to assert a single pin, or do I need additional tools for this?

    Could you please specify what exactly you mean here?
    Of course, J-Link allows access to the peripheral registers of the CPU which of course then also allows toggling on GPIOs etc.
    Otherwise, it would be a pretty useless debug tool...

    - Can I use the Segger J-Link with a 20-pin JTAG to 10-pin microJTAG convertor?

    Yes, why shouldn't you be able to do so?
    The Sabre Lite Kit provides a 10-pin Cortex-M connector.

    - Alex
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  • Is it possible to implement the Secure JTAG authentication using J-Link Software and Documentation Pack commands? without J-Link SDK.

    How could I read TDO line?
    How could I write raw value to TDI? (Is it wjraw command? Can you put an example of use?)

    I'm using J-Link Plus with iMX6 Solo.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Hi Joan,

    Is it possible to implement the Secure JTAG authentication using J-Link Software and Documentation Pack commands? without J-Link SDK.
    Yes, this can be done using J-Link script files. Further information regarding J-Link script files can be found in the J-Link user manual (UM08001).
    How could I read TDO line?
    How could I write raw value to TDI? (Is it wjraw command? Can you put an example of use?)
    Can also be done using J-Link script files. We do not have an example for the iMX6S device but there are examples for other devices in the J-Link Software and Documentation Package installation directory, which can be used as reference: %INST_DIR%\Samples\JLink\Scripts

    Best regards
    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system: segger.com/ticket/

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