Can anyone HELP me ????
When using IAR J-Link debug probe for ARM JTAG hardware I encountered a small problem.
The software I use is JLinkARM_V386g, and when I try to load a binary file using J-Link Commander and the "loadbin" command I get the following errors :
"_ReadRegFromHW() called for CPUwithout delayed register read. (RegIndex = 8)" and when I click the "ok" button "CPU_REG_Get():Register 8 is not marked as valid".
The system that I work with it's complex.
I'm working with V5IP700 HighTechGlobal FPGA prototyping board.To the board is connected a CT1136JF-S CoreTile for ARM1136JF-S.
The FPGA is programmed by a bitsteam that does the following :
-initialize the ARM1136JF-S
-implements an AHB bus through which ARM1136JF-S transfers data to/from the external memories : SDRAM, flash memory, etc.
-implements memory controllers, an AHB to APB bridge, and other I/O.
The debug probe is connected via USB to the JTAG scan chain.When I run J-Link Commander it detects 2 JTAG Devices : id 0x2B900F0F and id 0x07B36F0F and IRLen = 5.I think that 0x07B36F0F is that ARM CPU.
The halt command and Regs command works.But when I'm trying to load a binary file to the SDRAM I get the errors mentioned earlier.
Also the ARM Test Chip offers 2 TestChipRAMs and when I write to the TestChipRAM using the command "W1" it works but when I try to write to the SDRAM using the same command the J-Link console freezes.
I don't have any idea what could generate the errors when attempting to load a binary file, so I someone has any ideas please do tell me.
Can anyone HELP me ????
When using IAR J-Link debug probe for ARM JTAG hardware I encountered a small problem.
The software I use is JLinkARM_V386g, and when I try to load a binary file using J-Link Commander and the "loadbin" command I get the following errors :
"_ReadRegFromHW() called for CPUwithout delayed register read. (RegIndex = 8)" and when I click the "ok" button "CPU_REG_Get():Register 8 is not marked as valid".
The system that I work with it's complex.
I'm working with V5IP700 HighTechGlobal FPGA prototyping board.To the board is connected a CT1136JF-S CoreTile for ARM1136JF-S.
The FPGA is programmed by a bitsteam that does the following :
-initialize the ARM1136JF-S
-implements an AHB bus through which ARM1136JF-S transfers data to/from the external memories : SDRAM, flash memory, etc.
-implements memory controllers, an AHB to APB bridge, and other I/O.
The debug probe is connected via USB to the JTAG scan chain.When I run J-Link Commander it detects 2 JTAG Devices : id 0x2B900F0F and id 0x07B36F0F and IRLen = 5.I think that 0x07B36F0F is that ARM CPU.
The halt command and Regs command works.But when I'm trying to load a binary file to the SDRAM I get the errors mentioned earlier.
Also the ARM Test Chip offers 2 TestChipRAMs and when I write to the TestChipRAM using the command "W1" it works but when I try to write to the SDRAM using the same command the J-Link console freezes.
I don't have any idea what could generate the errors when attempting to load a binary file, so I someone has any ideas please do tell me.