iType Missing File "fs_api.h"

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  • iType Missing File "fs_api.h"

    I am using emWin 5.20. As part of emWin5.20, the iType font
    generator is included as an option. In linking in the source code, it
    is also trying to link in the header file "fs_api.h", which does not
    exist. It appears, however, that this file is included with Segger's
    emFile system, which is not included as part of emWin's LCD license.
    This begs the question... can we use iType on LPC's implementation of
    emWin? If so, where is this file?
  • Hello,

    The missing file is part of the iType engine.

    Please note the section 10.3.4 in the emWin documentation ("Fonts" -> "Font formats" -> "iType font engine support"). The licensing is explained as follows:

    The emWin library of Segger does not provide the iType® font engine itself. It provides only the glue code required to be able to use the iType library. Please contact Monotype Imaging under for a licence request if required.

    Best regards,