Keil MCB4300 Keil MDK Pro 4.50 SD_Card project with EMWin fails to compile

  • Keil MCB4300 Keil MDK Pro 4.50 SD_Card project with EMWin fails to compile

    I'm trying Keil MDK Pro 4.5 on a Keil MCB4300 board ( LPC4350 ) with EMWin library as provided through NXP.

    I include the EMWin GUI.h file and it fails to compile with an error on GUI_Init. I tried dropping every single Emwin .h file in the project
    and it still fails.

    If use a different example program from Keil like Blinky or RTX_Blinky with the exact same code, it works and will happily display an image. But of course I must get images
    from an SD card. Only my splash screen and small icons can come from an include file which is working just fine other than in the SDFile project.

    There seems to be a conflict with the Keil SD project and EMWin or I'm just doing something stupid. I've got an issue logged with Keil but wanted to see if anyone at Segger or the community has used an SD card with EMWin and Keil C.

    If someone has a working example of SD file BMP or JPG images with EMWin on any commercially available compiler I'm eager to try it.

    Larry E.
  • Hello Larry,

    Please understand, that we have to ask you to direct your support question directly to NXP support.
    We have an agreement with NXP, that includes their right to provide our emWin software as library and their obligation to support their customers.

    Best regards,