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I configured a GDB debug session in LPCXpresso Free Edition for J-Link probe. The debugger works, but I have a problem with Restart button: it doesn't work. Actually I'm using LPC1778 device. Any help?
I have a window and some widgets created as childs. During creation, I set a different ID for each widget. At a later time, I need to retrieve the handle of a child widget starting from its ID and parent window handle. Is there a similar function? I read about WM_GetDialogItem(), but it doesn't work in my situation.
I'd like to create a custom skin for buttons. It will be simple: a centered text with a border. I don't want the pressing effect, i.e. the slight movement of the text when the button is pressed. I can use BUTTON_SetTextColor, BUTTON_SetBkgColor and so on to set some graphical parameter of the button. But I need to set the border width during run-time, because it could change for each shown button. How can I achieve this? There isn't a suitable function such as BUTTON_SetBorder. The only solution…
On my embedded project, I directly manage the touch screen and call GUI_TOUCH_StoreState() every about 20ms. If the user doesn't use the touch screen for 30 seconds, I switch off the display (actually, switching off the backlight). I'd like to simulate this behaviour during simulation under Windows, but I don't know how, because the mouse events (similar to touch events) are not managed by my code. Any suggestions?
I'm using emWin libraries that are released by NXP as an object file. In this case, is it possible to save some code space changing default font (GUI_DEFAULT_FONT, BUTTON_FONT_DEFAULT, ... macros in GuiConf.h)? I think it isn't possible because the libraries are already compiled and the default font is already referenced in object file. But I'm not sure.
I want to draw two strings on the same line: one is left-justified, the second is right-justified. /* Left string */ r.x0 = 10; r.y0 = 0; r.x1 = ???; r.y1 = 39; GUI_DispStringInRect(leftStr, &r, GUI_TA_LEFT | GUI_TA_VCENTER); /* Right string */ r.x0 = r.x1 + 1; r.x1 = 320 - 10 - 1; GUI_DispStringInRect(rightStr, &r, GUI_TA_RIGHT | GUI_TA_VCENTER); The width of the left string isn't known at compile time, so I can't assign the exact value to r.x1, before drawing the left string. So the question: …
Quote: “ I am able to reproduce this behavior in emWin version 5.26. This problem is fixed in the current emWin version 5.28. Please contact your provider to get the latest emWin version. ” It is a very bad news. I don't know when NXP will release the latest 5.28 version of emWin. In the meantime, could you suggest a workaround? I don't know what is the cause of the bug, maybe it is sufficient to add some offset to WM__SetUserDataEx()/WM__GetUserDataEx() or other similar things. For example: C S…
Quote: “Please note that you should use _SetUserData() for Widgets. Because a Widget could used more memory than a Window Manager Object. ” Ok, I got it. Quote: “ Temporary you could use the following code snippet for using the UserData with the "IMAGE" - Widget:” It doesn't work on my PC for simulation project. I receive "Wrong handle type" error when I try to use IMAGE_SetBitmap() after calling WM__SetUserDataEx() as you described. If I remove WM__SetUserDataEx() everything works well. sizeof(…
How to manage a transparent button (and why IMAGE widget doesn't draw alpha-channel images in other colors but white)
giusloq - - emWin related
PostQuote: “ The following code can be used to change the color of an alpha bitmap displayed by the IMAGE image widget:” I have tried the same trick for a BUTTON widget that should show an alpha bitmap inside with a custom color... but it doesn't work. The bitmap is always drawn with black color. Source Code (8 lines)
Quote: “ Both functions TEXT_SetTextAlign() and IMAGE_SetBitmap() invalidate the respective widget without verifying if the given parameters differ from the current state of the widget.” Do you think this behaviour is correct? You wrote:Quote: “ In most cases changing widget properties using emWin API functions will invalidate the according widget only in case properties in fact have been changed. If you feel there is a function which does not work this way, please let us know. Thank you.” In or…
I'm trying to create an IMAGE widget with extra user data bytes through IMAGE_CreateUser(). After calling the function, I check the Window ID with WM_GetId() and it's ok. Next I call WM_SetUserData() and check again the Id with WM_GetId(). This time, the Id is wrong! If I set the correct Id with WM_SetId(), I destroy user data!
Quote: “ I would recommend using a static color variable in your custom callback function, [...]” I'm trying to use user data associated with Windows (and IMAGE widgets too) to save the currect color of alpha channel images. In this way, I can reuse the same callback function for all alpha-channel images. The callback extracts the current color for that image by reading user data. What about TEXT_SetTextAlign() and IMAGE_SetBitmap()?
I'm using LPCXpresso Free Edition to program some NXP microcontrollers on a custom board. Actually I'm using LPC-Link that is integrated in NPX low-cost development boards. I understand Free Edition lets the programming and debugging of 256KB code. What I coudln't understand is if this restriction applies only to LPC-Link or to J-Link too. In other words, will I have the possibility to program and debug 300KB applications with LPCXpresso Free Edition and J-Link from Segger?
I'm not sure what is the exact goal of WM_Deactivate(), but I think it's better to call WM_DisableWindow() in order to disable input device messages. However, WM_DisableWindow() changes the graphical appeareance of the widgets and, in your case with backlight off, this isn't important. Maybe a better solution could be to disable the device input driver at all when you switch off backlight. You haven't specified if your input device is a mouse or a touch panel. In my application, I use a touch pa…