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  • Hi Florian, Thank you for the quick response. I am unable to see what's in the file you attached. It's a different extension I have never seen before. Could you please check and send it again. Best Regards, BMD

  • HI, I am working on Multiple windows and have problems being able to get it to function correctly. I hope someone here can guide me. 1. I have two windows currently. 2. Window 1- Parent window with a settings button. 3. Pressing the settings button opens up child window. 4. Window 2- Child window consists of three buttons. Question: I am pressing the button in child window, I don't understand how to control this? where will the control be passed to? Parent window? or the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED…

  • I finally figured it out. The problem was I wasn't allocating enough memory. Solution: 1. Increased the memory allocation in GUIConf.c - #define GUI_NUMBYTES 0x4000 ( i increased it from 2000 to 4000). 2. Increased the buffer size in Getdata function. Best regards, BMD

  • Okay, so I just found out that images of larger sizes are the problem. I am compressing the images before i convert them using bitmap converter but no matter how small the image size is before conversion to .bmp/.dta, at the end of conversion the sizes of images are more than 200kB. Is there a way to convert images to lower size using bitmap converter? Regards, BMD

  • Florian/Sven, Could you please help me understand this behavior? I tried different things but nothing seems to work. I am trying to display 320x240 Image from SD card on the 320x240 LCD and I can see Image only when the x value is <= 170 and y = 240. Any value above 170 shows blank screen. I have been using the same code to display images on buttons and it works well but those are very small images. If you could please check/ help me understand where I could be going wrong, that would really hel…

  • Thank you for trying to help me with this. I am using Cypress Semiconductor processor PSoC5 LP and emwin for graphics. Yes I have 8MB of buffer memory.

  • Hi, I am working on displaying images from external memory. I am having problems displaying the complete picture. I can display image up until 170*240, after which when I try to expand x value I see white background and nothing else on the LCD. Please see the below code and image attached with this thread. Could someone tell me what I could be doing wrong? P.S: I have tried displaying images on buttons using the same functions and it works. C Source Code (229 lines)Thanks and regards, BMD

  • ICONVIEW and External memory nOS

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian/Sven, Could you please help me understand how to display different images assigned to different icons from external memory?? So far, I can only see same image on all the icons. I couldn't find anything on the forum regarding this as well. Any hint will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and regards, BMD

  • ICONVIEW and External memory nOS

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Hi, I was able to make the modifications but I am not able to set the index to display different icons. Could you please see the code and tell me how to do that so I am able to display all the Icons as required? C Source Code (276 lines)Appreciate all the help! Thanks and regards, BMD

  • ICONVIEW and External memory nOS

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian, What I meant to say was the referred link has usage of code that are used for windows. Since I am not using any OS, I am not able to use some features so I modified it to fit my needs but it still doesn't seem to work. I have attached the code I am working on, could you please take a look at it and let me know what I am doing wrong? Best regards, BMD C Source Code (220 lines)

  • ICONVIEW and External memory nOS

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Hi,…hlight=Iconview#post16659 I found this link and that is exactly what I am trying to do but for a system with no OS. Could you please help me find a sample code for nonOS system. Best regards, BMD

  • Reading from SD card

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian, I converted images to bitmap using bitmap converter. Is there a requirement for the file size/IS there a certain way to do it? I am using M565 so I open files through bitmap converter and convert it to 16 bit color 565 and save as *.bmp. I followed same steps for converting all the images. I converted two images and be able to display the image that is 8kB but can't display the image with 80kB. Is this something regarding how memory is set up? Should I make any changes in the configurat…

  • Reading from SD card

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian, I am trying to implement the examples you gave me, images seem to overlap. Is there a way to set things somewhere that helps display picture without overlap. Please see attached overlap image and the image that shows how it is supposed to look like. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Best regards, BMD

  • Reading from SD card

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian, Thank you so much for the response. I will try these examples. Best regards, BMD

  • Reading from SD card

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Hi, I am trying to display images from SD card using SPI. I saw several example code but none of them seem to work. I have included emFile and emWin paths under build settings. Also, when I was trying to use sample codes that are available on this forum, some declaration were not possible such as DWORD, HANDLE. Am I missing to include some header files? I have been using FS.h. If someone who has worked on it can share their sample code to display images without OS and using emfile that would be …

  • [ABANDONED] emWin and emFile

    bio_med - - emFile related


    Hi, I am working on a project that uses 320X240 TFT LCD. I am using emWin to design graphics. Recently I found emFile can be used to access file system on SD card. I already have paths set for emWin library in build settings. My question is: Can I add both emWin and emFile to the build settings? Is this the right way to do it? Note: I am using emFile for the first time and it's a little confusing to be using both emWin and emFile and I am still reading up on it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks a…

  • Flash memory almost full

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Florian, Thank you so much for confirming that for me. Best regards, BMD

  • Flash memory almost full

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Quote from bio_med: “I thought the same, that images could cause this memory issue. But when I took out the images and all the I had in the code was just GUI_Init() and GUI_Delay(), the memory consumption was 16% i.e 47 KB of ROM. Is this how much it usually takes or does this seem unusual? ” Can anybody confirm this for me please? Thank you, BMD

  • Flash memory almost full

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Quote from SEGGER - Schoenen: “Unfortunately, I don't have access to Cypress Semiconductors evalboard. so I can't reproduce it. ” Actually you don't really need an eval board. You could just reproduce it on PSoC creator software to see how much ROM is being used during compile. Best regards, BMD

  • Flash memory almost full

    bio_med - - emWin related


    Thank you for your response. I thought the same, that images could cause this memory issue. But when I took out the images and all the I had in the code was just GUI_Init() and GUI_Delay(), the memory consumption was 16% i.e 47 KB of ROM. Is this how much it usually takes or does this seem unusual? Regards, BMD