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  • It looks like this was caused by an incorrect clock setup in the firmware. If it booted with that bad setup then this error occurred. Geo.

  • I want to write a binary block of data to internal flash on a Freescale K60. The block should go at 0x30000, leaving room for the firmware between 0 and 2ffff. JFlash knows the chip and things look good until I try "Auto". Then it gives a warning message that "erasing sector 0 may read-protect the entire flash chip". What's going on here ? George

  • It was a fault on my end. The priorities were being set in an array that was not properly indexed. Sorry for the noise! George

  • STM32F103E, embOS 3.88b, CMSIS. IAR 6.5 I was porting an existing non-RTOS app to use embos and came across a problem with preemption. Most of the original superloop code was untouched, I just moved it into the lowest pri task. Two new tasks were created with higher numerical priorities. The app appears to hang as soon as OS_Start is called, and the higher pri tasks don't show enough of a run count. One shows "1" and the other "0". If one breaks execution in the debugger, it can be seen that the…

  • I'm working with the Atmel ATSAM3S4B and the most recent IAR release, 6.30.3 The JLink download does not work because the device is not recognized, according to the JLink control panel. In IAR, the device is called out as "Atmel SAM3S4B". I tried a few other close variants but in no case does the JLink control panel show that the device is recognized. It works great after checking the box in the control panel to allow the device selection overide, and then navigate to and select AT91SAM3S4B. Cou…

  • Not a brick after all

    gpontis - - J-Link/Flasher related


    An update: it seems that what was broken during the update process was the DLL. I tried an older J-link that had not been subject to the firmware update, and it also was not recognized. I rebooted windows (which hung at the shutdown prompt) and when it came back up everything was OK including the firmware update on the newer unit.

  • Sorry to say but the same thing has happened to me here. In this case it was with a j-link EDU 8.0 and the package that I installed was JLInkARM v434d. The first time that I plugged it in after updating the software, it said that a firmware upgrade was recoemmended. Things seemed to be going well but then it used up all 45 seconds and displayed a message about the emulator not re-enumerating. It does not do anything on the USB at all now. George

  • I have a J-Link KS version 5.2 and was considering evaluating Crossworks for ARM. Will there be any compatibility issues ?

  • Ray, this processor does not have an RTCLK signal, so adaptive clocking is not appropriate. I believe that you want "Auto". The default initial speed of 32 KHz works well for me. George

  • Many thanks for this clarification Armin. I followed this through and it solved everything. I had already been on the track of low_level_init and moved that plus _InitRTT into a separate file. The call to _InitVIC was more problematic due to references to interrupt handlers. After your explanation I removed the InitVic reference from low_level_init and now call it from the beginning of main. I marked some one-time initialization routines in RTOSINIT as section icode which saved a meaningful amou…

  • I am running this lightly loaded target with an AT91SAM7S256. Normal communications is through USB, but for monitoring I gave embOS a RS232 port. I set the port up for 115200 baud. This works beautifully for a while, say 5 minutes, then embosView stops updating. The version of embosView is 3.82a. When it stops updating, bytes sent/rcvd keep and packets sent keep incrementing, but packets rcvd does not. If I exit embosView and restart it then then communications resumes normally and I see that al…

  • I have an application running on an AT91SAM7S256 with 8 tasks. Normally the CPU utilization is very low, more than 95% idle. The highest priority task is implemented as an infinite loop, which waits for an OS_Event coming from the ISR for a timer tick. The event is signaled with a call to OS_EVENT_Pulse(). After the task sees the event it does some processing and then restarts the timer. If I do something to flood the system with work I can bring a couple of tasks up to 30% utiltization, and wit…

  • I am trying to build an app to launch from ROM, but run all but my startup code from RAM. There is no example like this included with embOS. IAR has an app note that suggests that is easy to do in 5.40.2 and later. Sadly, the linker tries to be a little too "smart" and this causes some problems. The problem is that the linker makes a decision about what code is needed for startup, and then no matter what, that code is not located in RAM. There seems to not be any way to locate it in RAM and have…

  • Wrong AHB Id

    gpontis - - J-Link/Flasher related


    I downloaded and installed this version to IAR 5.11. It does get past the original problem and is able to better communicate with the target. I believe that it gets as far as downloading an image to the target, then it hangs. The problem may be in the application, I can't really tell. I am working with a Luminary BLDC RDK and will report my experience to them.

  • Wrong AHB Id

    gpontis - - J-Link/Flasher related


    That is very helpful, thanks for posting. How did you end up waking the CPU ?

  • Wrong AHB Id

    gpontis - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Not exactly a procedure, but here is everything else that I know on the subject. I started by installing Embedded Workbench for ARM, version 5.11 and all seven or eight patches. Then I installed JLink 3.86c. It found my installation of EWB4 and EWB5. I let it update both of them. I ran JLink commander and it updated the firmware of my JLink KS ( hardware v5.2 ) I used this combination to successfully do development on a different project using an ARM9. When I started to try development with the …

  • Wrong AHB Id

    gpontis - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Same problem here, and I am using the latest 3.86c J-link software. This is with IAR 5.11 on Cortex-M3, specifically the Luminary LM3S617 on a Luminary stepper-RDK. I reported this problem to Luminary tech support and they experienced the same thing when trying it with a Beta verion of IAR 5.20, but said that it worked with the 5.11 release. 5.11 ships with 3.78b I should also add that JLInk commander connects fine - no problem at all. The problem for me only starts when I try to connect through…

  • It looks like the issue is partly resolved. My system stack at 160 bytes was inadequate. After bumping it up and running my app overnight I see that the peak sys stack usage reached 164 bytes. I still see CPU usage on one task spike up to 100%, which I do not believe.

  • Hi Ralf, Thanks for your additional comments and suggestions. You seem like you have a lot of knowledge and have probably been in this business for a while. I have too, so I did not miss the call to OS_EnterInterrupt/OS_LeaveInterrupt. Actually I used the ARM-specific embOS call to register my interrupt handler so it is called through OS_irq_handler. I verified that enter/leave are being called before and after my ISR is executed. I found a IAR demo board for the LPC2138 and have been paring dow…

  • Hi Ralf, I have changed and simplified the application to only three tasks. The background (lowest pri) spikes to 100% once at startup and every few minutes thereafter. What is more of a concern now is that I have learned that the application crashes within half an hour when connected to embOSView. I have not tried it with the ebOSView cable unplugged. When embOSView is not configured (OS_UART = -1), I have not seen it crash. I am running with the debug library. Twice I have had it connected to …