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  • Hi, I wanted to trace my STM32H7B3I-EVAL board with J-Trace Pro. According to the manual of STM32H7B3I-EVAL, to enable ETM, R69 must be removed to avoid conflict with the WIFI_SPI4_MISO output, and it's also recommended to remove R343, R337, R116, R334 to have the best signal quality. (See the attached screenshot of the manual). Could you confirm whether the process is correct? I'm afraid that reworking might damage my board and it's hard to be recovered. Thanks.

  • Hello, I have bought a P Nucleo WB55 develop board from the website The onboard ST-LINK works well when I received it. But I want to use it with the J-Link OB which is needed in my research project. As a result, I convert the onboard ST-LINK to the J-Link OB following the steps of the link…j-links/st-link-on-board/ and the P Nucleo WB55 is supported. However, the error is hit when debugging with the J-Link OB. The erro…

  • Hi there, I wanted to measure the power consumption of the target device with J-Trace Pro. It is possible to measure the current in mA with the given sampling frequency. Howerver, is that possible to get the power consumption in watt other than mA? Or, the accumulated power consumption within the given start point and end point? Thanks.

  • Hello, I’m learning embedded development with a J-Trace Pro and an STM32L552E-EV board. After downloading the trace demo project from the segger wiki, I try to debug it with Segger Embedded Studio and Ozone. Here is the board information. Here is the demo trace project wiki. The attach is how I connect J-Trace Pro with the board. However, when click the debug button, the panel shows the error information: Disab…

  • Conclusion Changing to segger openSDA firmware will works. How After testing and searching, I guess it should be the problem of openSDA firmware. I get this idea from the link Cannot debug FDRM-K64F via J-link.…1cd50e95ea16d4551b7521a67 It shows I need to power the board with K64F USB port when using external JLink EDU if using mbed/CMSIS-DAP which is come as default configuration of the board. So I think I need another openSDA firmware which supports to power the …

  • Hello, I meet the same problem with this thread.…cannot-connect-to-target/ I'm trying to debug FRDM-K64F host msd command bm project from NXP SDK with a JLink EDU and a U-disk. There are two USB ports, SDA USB and K64F USB. Generally, I connect the U-disk with K64F USB port and power cable with SDA USB. It works when I debug with LinkServer option in the MCUXpresso IDE. However, it's different when debug with JLink EDU. If the power cable linked to the SDA USB and …

  • Hello, I have read the UM07001 emNet User Guide & Reference Manual and source code including BSP_IP.c and IP_Config_K66_ETH.c. I learn that there are several port functions: - An user could define an structure IP_HW_DRIVER which including pointer pointing to init, send, receive functions and so on. - An user could define an structure BSP_IP_API which including pointer pointing to init, install ISR and so on. - An user could implement an function IP_X_Config, which calls the function IP_AddEtherI…

  • Hello, I download the emNet+embOS Demo Project from And import the existing project into segger embedded studio. When I try to compile, I found the errors below and fix them. I suggest you may update them in the K64F emNet Demo project on the website. - about.hincluded in the file About.c is wrong,which should be About.h - authen.h included in the file authen.c is wrong, which should be Authen.h - embos.h included in the file embOS.c is wrong,…

  • Hello, I have learned that emMQTT can be used with any IP stack not only emNet from the link However, I don't find the interface to port it with other IP stack. The IP stack related functions, for example IP_MQTT_CLIENT_Connect(), IP_MQTT_CLIENT_Publish(), IP_MQTT_CLIENT_Recv() and so on, has no source code or callback functions for porting. I also don't find the independent emMQTT binary library. I think it has been compiled into the library file libIP_…

  • Hello niklas, I intend to evaluate the complete SEGGER lineup. Thanks. Best regards, SilentDawn

  • Hello, My project try to test with SEGGER Evaluation Software and J-Trace Pro. The board I used is TWR-K64F120M. Although K64F is supported as the link shown, it only provides limited libs. The emPower board, which use the core NXP Kinetis K66 MCU, provides more libs as the link shown. Could you please provide SEGGER Evaluation Software as much as emPower for TWR-K64F120M? Thanks

  • Hello, I tried to debug and trace the example project from segger website with Jtrace Pro and Ozone. However, the warning "Target Device MIMXRT685_M33 is unknown" shown as the attached picture and failed to debug. I also tested the demo board and example project and make sure all software and hardware environment is fine. Could you please help to fix the problem? Environments: - OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit - Board: MIMXRT685-EVK,…luation-kit:MIMXRT685-EVK - Example P…

  • Hi, I'm using a freertos demo with trustzone in Nuvoton M2351 board. The demo link is I want to watch the instruction trace by Ozone. How to import secure and non-secure elf file into Ozone at the same time

  • Hi, When I program with the SDK API JLINKARM_SetBP() and JLINKARM_SetBPEx(), I want to know which breakpoint is hitted. So I try to read the value of PC(R15) and DebugReturnAddress (suggested by ARM v7-M Architecture Reference Manual), but both the result are 0xFFFFFFFE, which are not the real instruction address next to the breakpoint. Through the ARM v7-M manual, I think the processor doesn't enter the halt debug mode, but DebugMonitor exception. Is this controlled by the SDK API or something …

  • We're trying to develop a tool based on the ETM and STRACE functionality of J-Trace SDK. We want to read the instructions flow infinitely in real time. When I read the manual, I found that the section Simple Instruction Trace API (STRACE) may meet our requirement. But based on the manual, I have some confusions. Could you please help? 1. When the SDK is reading the instructions out of the buffer inside the J-Trace, can the J-Trace collect ETM data from the target at the same time? 2. If not, the…