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  • Good day, Nino! It's some kind of magic. Your project is working for me, while mine continues to throw an error. The settings are the same, with the exception of the linker. Another difference is that I have a C++ project. I'll do some additional research, maybe I'll find the reason. Regarding the libraries, everything that is needed is installed and updated to the latest versions. best Regards, Max

  • Hello,…9c46cbcd0da54d131341545a0 I'm use Segger Compiler with additional option: -mllvm -segger-opt=-PreMovCCr These options were suggested to me by Rainer Herbertz after my compiler error message. There is no such problem with the GСС compiler. Best Regards, Max

  • Hello, Today I see strange warning from "Segger" compiler (but linker is GNU, because I used nrf52840 Shell-Script (1 line)In this directory I have any difference files:…9c46cbcd0da54d131341545a0 but among them there is not one that will have the suffix stop. What is causing this warning? Why are there so many library options when only fast, balanced, and small options are available? and why the required library is not generated?

  • Hello, Nino! Thanks for your answer. While I was waiting for your answer, I did a little research on this topic. As I understand it, I can use my own memory allocation mechanisms (for example from FreeRTOS) and for this I just need to redefine three functions (after choose "None" in heap library option)? C Source Code (17 lines)_____________________________________________ best Regards, Max

  • Hello, Nino! Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “To answer your other questions. 1: No. Just different documentation for different things. 2: Same functions are used. emRun++ is a superset of emRun. ” Ok, understood. Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “3: The straight forward approach is to initialize heap to some pattern e.g. 0xCDCD. Then let your worst case test run and check the usage in the memory window. Alternatively a watermark variable could be used, but this will have some impact on system runtime. ” I f…

  • Hello, it's me again. There is a section in the document "emRun User Guide & Reference manual" [UM12007, Date: November 2, 2022] for the runtime library, indicating several functions: Source Code (3 lines) I have tried using them in my code. A search in all project files showed that these functions are marked with the attribute "weak" which means I have to define a function with the same name to use. But it doesn't work. After compilation, these functions are removed (I looked at the map file). …

  • Quote from mwb1100: “I would think that Segger would have some supported way of customizing how the mutex is implemented, so that you could integrate it into an RTOS that is not supported out-of-the-box. But I'm not using Embedded Studio so I'm not sure what that mechanism is (or even if it actually exists - I'm just speculating). ” but what You using?

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. Quote from CheMax: “again, without an RTOS I can't use the mutex from the standard library? ” That is correct. Same with other OS specific library functions. The standard library only defines what certain constructs should do when called. But how they operate is implementation defined by the RTOS that is being used.You can of course write your own multi tasking system, but then you also have to supply your setup specific mutex impleme…

  • so, I found this article: implementing std::mutex with freertos. it turns out that for the mutex to work correctly, I need to make changes to the source codes of the library (at least add the inclusion of another file by the compilation key)? But what about the update, if it happens? again, without an RTOS I can't use the mutex from the standard library? Thanks, Best regards

  • Good day ladies and gentlemen, I have a little question about C++ support for Embedded Studio. I trying use std::mutex, but I'm getting an error: "no type named 'mutex' in namespace 'std'". This is a bit surprising since the header file <mutex> exists. Judging by its contents, the creation of a mutex is not available because multithreading is not available. It's strange, because even on a single-core controller, interrupts can occur, which means that mutexes are also needed in single-threaded mo…

  • Hello Nino, Thanks.

  • Hello, I find beatiful font with ligatures feature: FiraCode. I set this font as default for editor, But I'm not sure if the editor supports the function of replacing some characters. Searching the forum showed that the option is there (one, another (search result: span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures})) , but can I use it? In notepad++ for support ligatures enough enabling DirectWrite, maybe You have this options too? best regards, Max

  • Hello Nino, It's miracle. There is an error on version 5.42 and below. Now I tried 5.42a and the error disappeared. Indeed, in the list of changes for 5.42a there is an item: Build - Add project property Enable Use Of __cxa_atexit. I missed the moment. I'm sorry for worrying too much ________________________________________________ best regards, Max

  • Hello, Today I tried create a new simulation project for learning new features C++20, but failed. This project:…9c46cbcd0da54d131341545a0 So, The project consists of a main file and a class file. The class file only describes the constructor and destructor. C Source Code (21 lines) If Project option -> Library -> Runtime Library i choose: Embedded Studio the build is success. But if I choose SEGGER, the biuld is fail with errors: Source Code (6 lines)But if you com…

  • Hello, Nino Yes, I made those changes right away. Without them, I got a compilation error. But thanks for the link to the thread, I probably missed it when searching. She gave me a couple of thoughts, I want to check them. I'll supplement the answer a little later. _______________________________________________ Best regards, Max

  • Good day, I checked the forum for similar topics, but no answer was found. So I reopen it. I came across the fact that when analyzing the operation of the system, the total load is more than 100%.There are only three processes in the project: main, devices and data processing (process). How can you replace the load in the screenshot below is determined incorrectly. I assume that the idle time is the one miscalculated, because the data processing time coincides with my measurements (using 2method…

  • so, a little fix resolve this problem: C Source Code (9 lines)It turns out that in the h-files of the smsys library it is necessary to add missing "extern "C" ".

  • Hello, I ran into an unpleasant moment due to which the build of my project stopped.The project was created for the STM32 microcontroller to study the use of C ++ for embedded systems. The corresponding packages are installed: stm32l4; CMSIS 5 (Core and DSP) SES Version: 5.40c To get access to some assembly functions (for example __NOP(), __SEV(), __WFI(), ... ) I include the file "cmsis_gcc.h" and I get the following errors: Source Code (8 lines) The search for a way to fix this error led to th…

  • Thanks, really useful. Quote from kklobe: “'m also using Monitor Mode Debugging, so the combination of these two features has been very helpful (thank you SEGGER). ” Can you share your experience of using the debug monitor with nrf52840? I would like to see how to properly configure it for this chip. If I understand correctly, the monitor will not work on DK. Are you using a tracer?