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  • Hi Florian, the last question addressed the "" project from my second post of this thread, because that doesn't quite follow your "with the latest version screens are always at the position (0,0) and have the display size that is set in the BSP" explanation. In that "" project the screens were defined in AppWizard intentionally with a position different from (0,0) and a size smaller than BSP and the result is that only 2 screens (screen_00 and screen_02) are shown but not scree…

  • Thank you Florian for the fast answer: yes, the modified project works as expected, so that seems to be a good workaround! It's still not clear why in the modified test2 we can still end-up having 2 "screens" displayed simultaneously (screen_00 and screen02 in that example) both screens being active (not just drawn, because I can still click on the button from original screen_00):…a84481536ece5d1d74c500018 Is there some rationale for still having multiple simultane…

  • Tested with latest AppWizardTrial_V136c_632c and unfortunately the misbehaviour is still there. The screens are modified now so that they are not fully overlapping in order to see better the mis/behaviour (that the screen_01 is not shown with latest AppWizard):…a84481536ece5d1d74c500018

  • Attached is a sample project with 3 screens: 1. first one (screen_00) has a button which opens screen_01 2. screen_01 should show screen_02 on top of it 3. in the end it should be shown screen_01 with screen_02 together: 1. this works as expected with AppWizard 1.08_6.14d 2. but with newer AppWizard 1.32_6.28 screen_01 closes and instead screen_00 plus screen_02 are shown! Is this a known bug? Any workarounds to get the expected behaviour with the new AppWizard? Thanks, Daniel…

  • Hello, this is related to Case: 60322319. After we updated to latest J-Link v7.88c which updated the firmware ("EmuFW = 2023 May 16 10:46") in our J-Trace we cannot flash anymore NXP IMXRT1052 with external QSPI flash. The J-Trace is still functioning fine with other HW based on Silabs EFM32GG12 (with internal flash). We can still flash the NXP IMXRT1052 with the external QSPI flash using a J-Link Base adapter, for which we didn't update the firmware. In the mentioned case we attached logs for b…