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  • Hello Segger Team, When trying to copy a selected Folder in the Project Explorer via the shortcut CTRL-C/CTRL-V it is always failing until using the Copy-Function from the context-Menu. After using this, the CTRL-C-Copy is also working. You can reproduce it with the default Project when copying the Setup Folder into the Source folder, or vice versa. Regards

  • Hello hiqrf3, are you using multiple projects in a single solution? In this scenario the indexer seems not to work in embedded Studio, or at least not working properly when regularly switching between these projects. Regards

  • Hello Nino, I’ve only enabled the „Use Tabs” Setting for C and C++ like this: Tools --> Options --> Languages…f899decf6a6880ffd1509a11e And I enabled the visibility of white spaces to make the behavior better observable Edit --> Others --> Visible White Spaces Use the default project and ‘tabbify’ it like this:…f899decf6a6880ffd1509a11e Press Enter after the printf-statement. Embedded Studio is automatically intending to the level of …

  • Hello Segger Team, when Tabs are configured, spaces are still used for automatic indentation. For example this code from the default project:…f899decf6a6880ffd1509a11e When pressing enter at the end of the line with the printf-statement to enter an additional printf statement, spaces are used to intend.…f899decf6a6880ffd1509a11e In addition, the default values of the options are bit uncommon. Why distinguish between “Tab Size” and “In…

  • Hello v01d, Quote from v01d: “ I do not think I understand you. Because, I _can_ connect & debug multi-core (multi ARM A core) to be specifically, on a SoC I used. Not only that, but with single JTAG I can connect to 2 A cores (SMP config) and one M core at the same time (for AMP thus). ” within a single instance of … whatever software you are using? It is possible to connect to multiple cores of a single controller with a single J-Link adapter. But you have to use multiple instances of the Appl…

  • Hello v01d, we had also the same problem, so I think I can answer your question. Quick answer: No it is not possible. The problem is not Embedded Studio, but the J-Link Adapter. We had the same problem with a different Development Environment which supports what you are requesting for. However, we couldn’t use it as the JTAG-Adapter has to support multi-core debugging. J-Link doesn’t ☹. Therefore, we had to switch to a different vendor. Hope Segger is adding this feature as we would like to use …

  • Hello Matthew, There is also a theme option under “Environment” -> “Theme”. This one makes the whole application dark, not only the Code-Editor. But seems like there is a problem with this option on MacOS. Compare this thread:…x/?postID=23230#post23230 Regards

  • Hello Matthew, 1) - Select your project in the Project Explorer - select project -> Properties in the menu. Or select “Edit properties” in the Context Menu - search for “Optimization level” - select the one you like Hint: you can use separate Optimization levels for separate folders and Files. If you want to configure the whole project ensure you have selected the whole project in the Project explorer Hint2: If you want to have the optimization enabled only in release Build enshure to select "Re…

  • The “Close All” entry of Context-Menu which comes up when you do an ”long-left-click” on the big X on the upper right corner (where you are closing opened files) of theSource-Code-Dock seems to do what you are searching for. Best Regards

  • I think Segger will only support their own JTAG-Interface. But the older sibling of SES supports CMSIS-DAP. Regards

  • Hello Nino, Tanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, there are still problems. When switching the ‘Wide Character Size’ Option to 16-bit. CLANG is creating an error while GCC is working. Do you have also a solution for this? Best Regards

  • Hello Segger Team, I’m getting some errors when using STL with the CLANG compiler, gcc is working fine. I’ve attached an example to demonstrate this errors. You can remove the first error by setting the compiler option -fno-signed-char but I think the project behavior should be same without setting extra options for each compiler. Could you take a look at this compiler errors? Best Regards

  • Sorry for the late response I was out of the office. Sadly, I don’t have any code or binary’s left from this scenario. Right now a colleague had a similar problem with a different controller (KV11). He had flashed a binary which was compiled for a different derivate (K02 I think). Ending up with a controller which had the same behavior as mine bevor. When I had brickt my board I was also switching between different Kinetis-controllers. Maybe I had done the same mistake. I had done this mistake a…

  • Hello Niklas, the FRDM-K22F board has a red LED which signals the state of the reset line. And it is flickering while the jlink is trying to connect. In addition you can hold the reset line manually high with pushing the SW1 Bumper. I have done so (with the OpenSDA Interface and in a second try with an external JLink) with the same negative result. -->The Reset line seems to work, but it doesn’t lead to any success. You are right; the controller seems to be in a state where the J-Link can’t acce…

  • Hey Niklas, now I’m getting the same error than in ozone. Regards Markus

  • Hello Niklas, Are you sure with the device-string? I’m getting an error with it (see the picture attached) Regards Markus

  • Hello Niklas, My second Board is also not working anymore. Same behavior, it stopped working after a debug session. The software to debug crashed at some point, and ended up with a board which does to respond to the debugger anymore. I had a similar behavior some time ago with TI Stellaris controller. TI had provided a tool to get the controller working again; with normal JTAG-Adapters you couldn’t gat any access. Regards Markus

  • Hello Niklas, I’m using Ozone in Version 2.42. I’m not sure which JLINK driver Version is used, as I have installed several versions in parallel. I have uninstalled all Versions except the newest available (6.16f). But I have still the same error. What I have to mention, the debug connection has worked once, and after this, I’m not able to start the debugger again. Maybe I have brickted my Board by debugging it. I’m not familiar with the J-Link Commmander, but it looks like it is also not workin…

  • Hello, I have a problem with my FRDM-K22F Evaluation board. When I’m trying to debug with Ozone I get always this Messages J-Link: Executing InitTarget() J-Link: Connect Under Reset J-Link: Connect Under Reset J-Link: Executing InitTarget() J-Link: Connect Under Reset J-Link: Connect Under Reset J-Link: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1 This interface is not supported by the connected emulator. Selection will be ignored by the DLL. Connection failed It doesn’t matter if I’m using t…

  • Hello Niklas, Thanks for the scripts. With this extension it is working with my board. It is setting the alternative Pin configuration for the trace pins, but still keeps the original one:…f899decf6a6880ffd1509a11e I already tried to deactivate the old pins by extending your code: Source Code (18 lines) Which is not working, also resetting it in the Register-View of Ozone is not working, as the debugger is activating the original configuration immediately. Regards …