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  • I was hoping to do code coverage analysis with the recently bought trace debugger. What do you suggest to perform a seamless instruction tracing ?

  • Hi Niklas, thanks for your reply. How big is the trace buffer in the probe? How can i achieve a continuous instruction trace ? thanks for mentioning to the gdb extension chapter. I can't find an available version of UM08002 (J-Link SDK user). where can I download it ? best regards

  • Hi, as some one asked before here (Code coverage testing with trace - console mode?) I want to access the ETM Trace Data captured with the J-Trace Dongle. Can I somehow access this data with the JLinkGDBServer? Preferably via a local port? Thanks Peter

  • Hi, I'm trying to evaluate the benfits of DS-5 in combination with our existing Segger debug probes. but as it appears, none of them works with the current version of DS-5. Even after replacing the dll as mentioned in the J-Link User Guide, there is no Debugger shown. Would really love to see this feature! What about Instruction Trace using J-Trace in DS-5? will this ever be working? Happy to hear from you. Best regards Peter