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  • Hello Pratheesh, I had a look over the CMSIS files included in your project. The following is a list of things that will most likely not work in this setup: 1. You are using a minimal CMSIS SystemInit(): The one in use resets registers for CPU clock configuration regardless of their previous state. You could try to use the CMSIS files shipped with emLoad/embOS as running on a reset setup with the minimum base clock is most likely not what you want anyhow. As I have already written in my last mai…

  • Hi Stefan, But please be aware that SO_RCVBUF only means a limitation of the socket buffer in bytes. This will not prevent you from wasting packet buffers for like 1 byte UDP packets. We will check what we can do about an optional, additional NumPackets limitation for UDP/RAW Rx socket buffers. Stay tuned. Regards, Oliver

  • Dear Stefan,Quote from stefan.waldschmidt: “Could my observation be correct? Can this situation occur?” The short answer here is yes, if the PacketBuffer configuration is insufficient and/or does not match the configuration of the SocketBuffer. By default an UDP SocketBuffer is configured to hold up to 2048 bytes. This can be changed for a socket via setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF). The PacketBuffer configuration of the system should be prepared to handle the situation where the complete size of the Socke…

  • Quote from MATA82: “Yes erase chip is enable. So you're saying that the serial erasing procedure is much faster?” Yes, serial (standalone mode) is always faster than PC mode as it eliminates latencies caused by PC interfaces. Delay from Ethernet is typically lower than USB but standalone operation eliminates it completely. For programming we are already using an optimized procedure by loading bigger chunks to the Flasher that will then be processed like in standalone mode. For erasing the device…

  • Dear MATA82, I assume you have enabled Erase Chip in the production settings, is this correct ? Either way in standalone mode the Flasher can operate much more efficient as he does not have to wait for instructions from the PC. Especially an erase operation for the whole chip can take way more time as the sectors are erased one by one and the sectors/blocks of STM8 devices are very small (64 or 128 bytes). If you do not rely on an empty Flash for your application (expecting 0x00 in the flash whi…

  • Quote from MATA82: “How can i create manually the two file?” You can either save them using the GUI of the Flasher STM8 Software ("File"->"Save programmer configuration file..."/"Save programmer data file...") or by executing the required commands via command line options as described in the manual. Using command line options you are able to fully automate typically all operations you would do with the GUI. Quote from MATA82: “At the moment of switching i need to delete the file from the flasher…

  • Dear MATA82, Quote from MATA82: “ Can i load a project into the flasher using the com port? ” Not directly. You can access the file system of the Flasher using the file I/O described in the manual: #FOPEN, #FCLOSE, #FDELETE, #FWRITE, #FREAD, #FSIZE, #FLIST This way you can create the FLASHER.DAT and FLASHER.CFG on your PC and then store it on the Flasher using the file I/O. If your only intention is to switch between files but the files itself will not differ between targets to program, you can …

  • Dear MATA82, Is my assumption correct that you are programming by using the Flasher button, or a remote terminal ? This will leave the PC mode and enter the stand alone mode in which the Flasher will no longer accept commands from Flasher STM8 Software or STM8 Commander sent via USB or Ethernet. If you do use the button or remote trigger, is there a specific reason not to use programming directly out of Flasher STM8 Software instead of anything else ? Best regards, Oliver Olligs Flasher STM8 Pro…

  • Dear bitmap, I am very sorry that we did not get back to you via email. It seems your email did not reach us. However I can see that you contacted our U.S. sales and they forwarded your request to us. We will get back to you via email as soon as possible. We are sorry for the delay. Best regards, Oliver Olligs

  • Dear bitmap, Quote: “ 1) is emload the product i need ? ” Yes, emLoad can be used to update the firmware image of your target (emLoad will always stay in the first flash sectors of your MCU to ensure the target remains accessible for another firmware update). With the pure emLoad package your customer will have to use the HexLoad tool which can do even more than just updating. If you want to make it easy for your customer the source code for the emLoad Updater can be purchased as well.Quote: “ 2…

  • Dear Benoitm, Unfortunately Web sockets are not yet supported by the Web server. They are planned to be available as an add-on within the next few weeks with an easy to use API. You can subscribe to our notification list that will let you know once new features get released. The "Subscribe to embOS/IP software notification" Link can be found on the embOS/IP product page at . Best regards, Oliver

  • Help Create a Button

    SEGGER - Oliver - - emNet related


    Hello Leonardo, Quote: “ I get the pressed button using the _callback_DefaultHandler of the cgi table ( WEBS_CGI ). ” This happens because you do not have a CGI handler of the same name as your button installed. Let's have a look at the formGET.htm as an example: C Source Code (17 lines) The button has been assigned the name "SetLEDs". This means if you want to do anything with this button you will have to install a handler for this name into the CGI table: C Source Code (1 line) For multiple bu…

  • Hello Stefan, Thank you for your report and the mail sent to the support address. As you already know by mail the problem with TCP zero copy has been found and will be officially fixed in the next release. Best regards, Oliver

  • Help Create a Button

    SEGGER - Oliver - - emNet related


    Hello Leonardo, Even a button needs to be part of a form as the <form> tag defines which action to take when the button is clicked. In this case the button would be a submit button, even if you name and label it with something else. Its purpose is to submit. If you want one on and another off button, you will either have to work with Javascript to let the button set a specific value that then can be submitted or you will have to use two form fields with one button each. Which button has been sub…

  • gSoap Compatibility

    SEGGER - Oliver - - emNet related


    Hello Venkat, As embOS/IP does not have native support for SOAP you will need to implement it yourself in one of the following ways, depending on client/server that you want to setup: For a client a SOAP request is a simple POST message sent via TCP. So basically this is connecting to a Web server that runs a SOAP service, sending a POST request and parsing the XML answer you get back. All this needs to be done by your application. For a server that already runs the embOS/IP Web server you can r…

  • Embos /IP

    SEGGER - Oliver - - emNet related


    Dear Bertrand, Thank you for your interest in our products. From your PDF I assume that you are looking for our PPP add-on for embOS/IP. More information about the PPP/PPPoE add-on can be found here: The PPP/PPPoE add-on can be used with embOS/IP v2 and above. It is not compatible with previous v1 versions. Your current version can be found in the IP.h with the define IP_VERSION . Best regards, Oliver

  • Hello Arne, By default the LPC17xx driver uses 4 Tx and 4 Rx buffers. One Tx buffer set consists of an 8 byte descriptor, 4 byte status and 1536 byte buffer for the packet itself. One Rx buffer set consists of an 8 byte descriptor, 8 byte status and 1536 byte buffer for the packet itself. This results in a total of 12400 byte that is used from the start of the configured Ethernet RAM. Best regards, Oliver

  • Dear tmanev, Web Server upload at the moment is enabled via a compile time switch and is by default not included in the Eval Packages at all. You can try the embOS/IP Web Server upload with the PC demo of the Web Server which uses the same API. You can download it from the following location: Best regards, Oliver

  • Hello Vincent, Most STM8 MCUs are similar when it comes to flash programming except for some little differences. For the STM8L052R8 and STM8L152R8 the only important difference I can see so far is that the STM8L052R8 has a smaller EEPROM. This might be a problem when doing a chip erase from the Flasher STM8 Software depending on how the MCU reacts on accessing trying to erase a flash block in an area not present. You can select the flash sectors really present with your device and do a sector er…

  • Regarding webserver

    SEGGER - Oliver - - emNet related


    Dear Venkat, You can check if the upload of a file has been successful from a callback defined by your upload form. The file will be uploaded to the root directory of your file system and can then be accessed either by using the API provided by the file system meant to be used by the web server described in "IP_FS.h" or by directly using your typical file system API such as provided by emFile. Best regards, Oliver