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  • We have people responsible for testing that aren't particularly expert in the ins and outs of JTAG use. It would be nice if the JMem utility, which is far simpler to use than JFlash or J-Link Commander, could write the contents of a memory range (by "address + length" or "start addr to end addr") to a file.

  • From Source Code (12 lines) You might want to post the details of the options you are currently using (copy/paste the linker command line being used by the IDE) as there might be interactions. Do a search for "libgcc" on the linked web page for other details that might be important. This information might also be helpful in understanding what the GNU linker is doing: > The `-v` option to `gcc` will cause it to dump …

  • You may need to specify that libgcc gets linked in. tl;dr details: Nested functions (or rather pointers to nested functions) use a technique called "trampolines" which allocate a small bit of code and data that allows a call through a nested function pointer to do some dynamic fixup (in essence set up the local data for the function) before jumping to the actual function's code. See where it says "GCC implements taking the address of a nested func…

  • You are correct. - firmware: J-Trace PRO V2 Cortex-M compiled Dec 17 2021 08:52:03 Shows the problem - firmware: J-Trace PRO V2 Cortex-M compiled Mar 30 2022 10:18:04 Does not show the problem

  • I happened to be playing around in the J-Trace Cortex-M's web interface (to make sure the feature I asked for in another thread doesn't already exist) and I noticed that in the "Emulator Status" page the uptime counter increases one about every second or two. See the attached animated GIF (the forum wouldn't allow me to upload an MP4). Note that the J-Trace wasn't not connected to a target device at the time - that might be a factor in the reproducing the bug. Also: this bug is entirely unimport…

  • I have recently used Segger's remote tunnel server a few times to good effect to troubleshoot devices in a field test site. It can be a challenge getting a person who is not familiar with Segger's tools to get the remote server software configured to use the tunnel (I plan to remedy that with some scripts). I have a couple J-Link units (actually a J-Trace and a Flasher) that have an Ethernet interface built in. It would be very useful if the unit could be configured so that when it detects an Et…

  • Thanks for the screenshot - I thought I had tried that (the connection string without the "ip" prefix), but I'm probably remembering wrong. When you're trying to support a technician at a customer site who is troubleshooting a problem, you don't' always take the best notes of what didn't work - just what did. I will take note for next time. And just to stress: the remote J-Link feature is a great to begin with, but the tunnel service made it possible to use in situations that I would never have …

  • Recently (after 10+ years of using J-Links) I have had occasion to use the J-Link Remote Tunnel server. Once to help out a co-worker who was remote working due to the pandemic situation, and once to diagnose and fix some problems a field team was having servicing a unit. That software and service are totally awesome! Super easy to setup, and once connected everything works just like I was using the J-Link at my desk (only somewhat slower). I would like to suggest a couple things that might help …

  • Doe the Flasher Portable Plus come with only a JFlash license like the other Flashers or does it come with the complete set of licenses like the J-Link Plus?

  • A suggestion: Since J-Link Commander connects, use it to erase and flash the ATSAMD21E18A. If jlink.exe has problems it might give better info about what is going wrong. The J-Link Commander command to erase is: "erase" (with no arguments it'll erase the whole flash) The J-Link Commander command to flash a .hex file is: "loadfile filename.hex"

  • Update: While the following doesn't work: Source Code (5 lines) I found that using quotes makes it work: Source Code (4 lines) I'd like to ask for an enhancement to jlink.exe so that the simpler, more commonly used names "R13", "SP", "R15", and "PC" be accepted as aliases for the respective registers. I find it surprising that no one has complained about this before.

  • The target is a GD32F303ZK. I am using SEGGER J-Link Commander V7.60d. I can debug the chip without problem (using IAR 5.2 or IAR 9.1), and I can flash it using JFlash or JLink commander. So generally the J-Link is working fine with the GD32F303ZK. However I was doing some low-level checkout because one of our boards is acting strange (though everything I copy/paste here is from a a session with a fully working board). I wanted to manipulate the R15 (PC) and R13 (SP) registers to simulate a rese…

  • Thanks for your help. I will follow your suggestion of contacting GigaDevice.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “The GD32F3 series does not have an ETM so the chip does not provide trace support ” Well I'll be damned. That's disappointing to say the least. The board started out with an STM32F103 design, then briefly moved to a GD32F103ZK design, then to the GD32F303ZK. I never noticed the ETM disappearing from the datasheet. Thanks for quickly setting me straight. The GD32F303xx datasheet does mention the Cortex-M4 on it does support these things: - Instrument Trace Macrocell (IT…

  • I am trying to get Trace information recorded with an Ozone project running on a GigaDevice GD32F303ZK MCU using a J-Trace Pro Cortex-M (S/N: 752001773). However when I try to look at the instruction Trace window data, all it shows is "No Data". I have successfully performed the "Ozone — Trace Tutorial" from Segger's website using that J-Trace unit and the Segger Cortex-M Trace Reference Board V1.2, so the J-Trace and Ozone installation check out OK. Also, general debugging (stepping, breakpoint…

  • Thanks for updating the docs - I did manage to work things out, but was left confused for a bit. And thanks for explaining the (seemingly unnecessary) argument to -nogui.

  • Can documentation for -nogui be added in the the user manual for jlink.exe? The UM08001_JLink.pdf from the v7.56b package only mentions -nogui for the GDB Server and worse it makes no mention of the required argument (-nogui 1 is needed for jlink.exe). Perhaps GDB Server doesn't need the "1" argument? This led to a bit a head scratching about why jlink.exe would complain about "Missing command line parameter after command -NoGui". (why does -nogui need an argument anyway?) Also, the release note…

  • Sorry for my delayed response (I didn't get or I missed an email notification). I will try your suggestions, but it might be a while as I'm up against a deadline right now. The J-Link v10 does work on these boards in SWD mode, so the problem is just an annoyance so far. I did do a J-Link session to connect and the v10.1 J-Link worked as well as you session did. Some time in the next week or so, I'll try updating the DLL that is used in IAR to the 7.2 version and see if that makes a difference. M…

  • I've run into something curious with v10.x J-Links. I have a project using the STM32F103ZG microcontroller and I'm currently using IAR EWARM 9.1. Flashing and debugging with older J-Links (v8, v9.1 and Ultra v4.3) work just fine in either JTAG or SWD mode - JTAG has been the default since the beginning. However, when some people started using v10.0 or v10.1 J-Link, flash and debug would only work in SWD mode. As an example, here's the Debug log from when I try to "Debug without download" using a…

  • > What needs to be done for different IAR version in described in chapter "4.2 Thread-safe system libraries" and "4.2.2 IAR compiler V8.10 and newer" I can't find those sections in: - UM01014 - "CPU & Compiler specifics for ARM Cortex-M using IAR Embedded Workbench" (Software version: Revision: 0) June 17 2020 - UM01001 - "Real-Time Operating System User Guide & Reference Manual" (Software version: Revision: 0) June 17 2020 What am I missing?